Waves & Sound

Playing the Bottles (Air Columns) The Tetris theme song like you have never heard it before.

Swaying Bridge (Resonance) We have all seen the Tacoma Narrows clip, but have you seen this swaying bridge?

Doppler Effect Explained (Doppler Effect) A quick explanation for the cause of the Doppler Effect.

Doppler Effect Heard (Doppler Effect) A passing emergency vehicle provides the perfect example of the Doppler Effect.

Hearing Test (Audible Range) Need a way to show the audible range for humans?

Honda Civic Commercial (Sounds) The William Tell Overture created by a Honda Civic and rumble strips...very interesting clip.

Lexus Car Commercial (Resonance) A Lexus is quite the source for vibrations.

Millennium Bridge (Resonance) Another clip of a swaying bridge that is not the Tacoma Narrows Bridge.

Rubens Tube (Air Columns) If you do not have the time to make one, this clip is the next best thing.

Visual Sonic Boom (Speed of Sound) Of course hearing a sonic boom is impressive, but what about seeing one?

The Wave! (Waves) The classic stadium wave.

SHM and Waves (Periodic Motion) Another MIT demonstration showing how simple harmonic motion creates a wave.

Standing Waves in a River (Standing Waves) A "standing wave" is created in a river in Hawaii. A great way to introduce standing waves to your students.

Standing Waves on a String (Standing Waves) A nice demonstration of standing waves using a strobe light. Excellent explanation, too. The clip is over 4 minutes long.