
Archer Fish (Refraction) An archer fish must consider refraction when it shoots its prey above the water. A good section about projectile motion, too.

Look At Me! (Plane Mirrors) Baby playing with his reflection in the mirror.

Virtual Image? (Curved Mirrors) Owner subjects his poor dog to this optical device...the dog wins in the end.

What Is In the Water? (Refraction) What exactly is in our water?

Cat Playing With a Mirror (Plane Mirrors) Cat playing with its reflection in the mirror...ouch!

Sheep Lighting (Light) My all time favorite YouTube clip...use it anywhere you need a laugh!

Color of a Mirror? (Reflection) An excellent description and overview of light reflection and plane mirrors.

Heisenberg Diffraction (Diffraction) An single slit diffraction experiment is described using Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.

Double Slit Interference (Young's Experiment) A visualization of double slit interference.