Modern Physics

Double Slit Experiment Animated (Photon Duality) An animation explaining the famous double slit experiment.

The Big Idea (Physics) A talk presented by Dr. Brian Greene.

Universal Explorers (Physics) A TED talk presented by Dr. Brian Cox.

The Dark Side (Dark Matter/Energy) Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson discusses dark matter and dark energy.

The Dark Side, 2 (Dark Matter/Energy) Dr. Leonard Susskind discusses dark matter and dark energy.

Death By Black Hole (Black Holes) What would it be like to fall into a black hole, according to Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson.

Extra Dimensions (Extra Dimensions) How many dimensions of spacetime are there? 4? 11? 26? Physicist Lisa Randall tries to explain.

Millikan Animated (Millikan Oil Drop) Millikan's famous experiment explained through animation.

Science Is Exciting (Physics) Dr. Lisa Randall explains why physics is so exciting.

String Theory, 2 (String Theory) String Theory in two minutes.

Amazing Science Teachers (Physics) Try to be one of the memorable ones!

Binding Energy-Old Style (Nuclear Physics) An animation from the 1950's(?) explaining the concept of binding energy.

Binding Energy-Newer Style (Nuclear Physics) A more updated explanation of binding energy.

Line Spectra of Hydrogen (Atomic Physics) A brief explanation of the atomic line spectra for Hydrogen.

Wormholes (Relativity) The physics behind wormholes as explained by Dr. Ian Morison.