Plans, Powerpoints, and Links

The last page to this section includes a few tools that you, as the teacher, may find useful. Plans, powerpoints, and links to content can all be found on this page.

Particle Physics Unit Plan (2-3 weeks) This is an example of a unit plan that I have followed in past years. As you can see it requires nearly 3 weeks of class time. A lot of teachers may not be able to devote that much time to this one unit...I would say, try! Particle physics serves as an excellent review of classical physics, so teaching it at the end of the year before final exams, may not be a bad idea.

Particle Physics in One Week Plan I was asked to create a one week unit a few years ago. I do not guarantee that all the links are still active on this document, but it will give you an idea as to how to cover a lot of material in a short amount of time. If there is something on this plan that you can not find, let me know and I will get it uploaded to this website.

General Particle Physics Powerpoint This powerpoint covers a lot of the Standard Model physics that you could teach at a high school student level. It works well with the unit plans listed above. I do not teach it all in one day, but spread it over the course of many days. You are going to find that you may only get through a couple of slides in a class period, as your students are asking you a million questions!

Online Particle Physics Textbook Chapter I was provided the opportunity to help create an online flexbook for the State of Virginia Department of Education. The flexbook was designed to cover physics topics not normally found in a traditional high school physics textbook. I had the fun of writing the chapter on the Standard Model of Particle Physics. I provide this URL to my students as a source of content for them as we cover this unit. Here is a link to a PDF version of the chapter.

The Particle Adventure Website A link to the source of online particle physics knowledge. Even if you asked your students to complete a WebQuest using this site and you do nothing else, at least you are providing your students an opportunity to learn a little bit about particle physics.