Particle Physics

LHC Animation An animation showing the proton journey in the Large Hadron Collider.

Antimatter What is antimatter? Could it really blow up the Vatican?

ATLAS Particle Experience ATLAS video showing the insides of the detector.

Particle Hunters Part of a longer video showing the physics of the CMS detector.

The Higgs Boson What is the Higgs Boson from a young person's perspective.

The Higgs Boson, Take 2 What is the Higgs Boson from PhD comics.

What Is Particle Physics? Particle physics and CERN as described by Dr. Michio Kaku.

Particle Physics Particle physics and CERN as described by Dr. Brian Cox.

Beyond the Higgs PhD Comics explains what else there is to discover, besides the Higgs Boson.

The Quark Song The Standard Model put to music.