The Wonders of Physics

Welcome to The Wonders of Physics! Every year that is the first cartoon on the first slide on the first lesson on the first day of school in my physics class. And, what a wonder physics is! One of the best parts of being a teacher is that every year we get to do it all over again...sharing the wonders of our chosen subject. For me, that subject is physics and I could not imagine teaching anything else. When I started teaching back in the mid-90's, I really did not know much about teaching physics except that you could do some really great demos, solve a lot of interesting problems, and talk about some pretty amazing topics. Oh, I did also know that you could ask your students to complete some pretty crazy challenges! Little did I know, that over the course of my teaching career I would get interested in particle physics, become heavily involved in the inquiry learning movement, or that there would be this thing called the internet and youtube videos!

In this site, I decided to share some of my favorite exercises and teaching tools with the rest of the physics teaching community. I found as I was starting out as a teacher that there were plenty of sites that had practice problems or tests to share, but very few that actually had unique labs or teaching ideas. Along with my new found interest in particle physics, I decided to create a website that would provide resources related to some of the areas that I have spent a lot of time over my career working on: particle physics, inquiry learning, physics contests, and using youtube videos to help teach physics content. So, head on in...explore...hopefully, you will find something that you can use. Also, if you would like to return the favor and you have an interesting exercise or cool website or crazy youtube clip that you would like to share, please email me. I hope you are able to find something useful on this website.