Other Particle Physics Exercises

Still looking for more activities to use with your students? Well, here I have placed all the other activities that I have used through the years that do not quite fit into the other pages. A lot of these exercises are simple and worksheet based, but they are still effective. Consider this the Standard Model of Particle Physics Catch-All Page.

Hadron Composition Exercise Once your students have learned how the quarks go together to make the hadrons, this worksheet would make for a great way to check their understanding. A worksheet that requires the student to combine the quarks to create a selection of baryons and mesons.

Standard Model and The Particle Adventure Exercise There are many worksheets that are out there that use the excellent particle physics website The Particle Adventure. This is one that I created that requires the student to work through the website and answer a series of questions. But, there is a twist, with their new knowledge they are required to make a Standard Model concept map. I put their maps up around the room to display all that they have learned...it makes for quite the interesting display! Make sure to have plenty of markers and poster paper around.

How Does the Universe Work? Activity Even after you tell your students the answer to this exercise some of your students will still not what you are talking about! An simple exercise to show your students what physicists are trying to do as they search for the building blocks of matter. This is how I often start my unit without any introduction.