
By Laws of the 2nd Texas Cavalry Co A, Inc

A NJ Non Profit Civil War Re-enactment Organization

Texas 2nd Cavalry Co. A, Inc

Rev. 12/2014

I. Name

The official name of the unit is the 2nd Texas Cavalry Company A, Inc,

Mission Statement: The 2nd Texas Cavalry Company A (Primary Corporate Name) was formed for the portrayal of the Confederate Army of the Trans- Mississippi / Western Theater of operations in the Civil War. Not many of the units in existence portray these western soldiers. We try to portray them for educational purposes and also to learn the ways of the western soldier. The group is constantly evolving and we pride ourselves on the research of our impression. Some of the units in the time line under the 2nd Texas are the Petersburg Home Guard and the Confederate States Marine Corps. All military members are REQUIRED to take up arms in the field when portraying the 2nd Texas Cavalry.

Insurance: We are insured through Eastern Insurance Group, LLC 233 West Central Street Natick, Massachusetts 07160 Policy Number is on file. The Insurance compliance certificate is on file and covers ALL LISTED EVENTS.

Unit History: The 2nd Texas Cavalry started in 2001 as an alternative to the Eastern mainstream Civil War Units. The group had an interest in the Civil War in the West and researched units that were within the Trans-Mississippi Area of the war. Most of the battles and campaigns that were fought in the West and wanted to bring that part of our history to life. Some members had relatives that had fought with the Trans Mississippi units and wanted to honor the memories of those men who fought.

The Western Campaigns were fought differently than many of the Eastern campaigns as those units were operating far from major commands and in smaller more independent units. There was more leeway as a trooper but there was a spirit of discipline and honor among the men that made the units much more cohesive The officers were not shuffled about or transferred as they were in the East. This appealed to our group and still continues.

II. Command Staff and Duties

Unit Commander: Captain. Field Commander/ Coordinator

Adjutant: (Appointed by Capt. As needed)

1st Sergeant: (Appt. by Capt.)

Corporal: (Appt. by Capt. As needed)

Captain: The Captain of the unit is the Commanding Officer and president of the unit.

The Captain is elected from the ranks of the active, dues paying membership.

The captain of the unit cannot be a civilian member nor can he be a probationary

member. He is elected by a majority vote of active members present for a vote after nomination.

The person running for the position cannot vote for that position.

The following positions are appointed by the Captain:

Adjutant: Assists the Captain as needed.

Sergeant (s): Answers to the command staff and is tasked with maintaining order in the camp and posting of details. He answers directly to the officers above him. He is also responsible for camp safety and firearms safety. He is the SENIOR NCO in the 2nd Texas.

Corporal: Assists the Sergeant as needed

Engineer: The engineer is responsible for the set-up, safety and security of the camp.

Surgeon: The surgeon is responsible for the running of the hospital. He has no military rank.

Acting in Grade: Acting positions are made as needed when the primary position is not or cannot be filled due to long term absence or the ability not to be at an event. The next in grade will advance to the higher in grade as needed. (Eg: Corporal may advance to the next grade when there is no Sergeant, etc.)

Ancillary Positions: The Captain may appoint ancillary positions (Ordinance Sgt., Provost, Hospital Steward,etc.) on an as needed basis. These positions will be required

to take the field when deemed necessary by the Captain.

Ranks below that of Sergeant will be considered based upon seniority, attendance, recommendation of any of the command staff and the ability to show proficiency in his/her duties.

In the event of a vacancy in the Command Staff, the members of the unit may nominate a member (not on probation or inactive status) to replace the vacancy. The membership shall take into consideration: Previous Rank, Seniority (time in the unit) and Attendance. The Command Staff may also choose not to fill a vacancy or wait until a more qualified member is found.

If the vacancy is one of the Commissioned Officers the officer next in rank shall succeed the vacant officer’s post as per military procedure. Officers transferring in from a Cavalry unit shall drop one (1) step in rank. Any officer requesting transfer into the unit shall drop at least one step in rank, unless there is a position suitable for him. If there is a position available, he shall drop to the rank sufficient for that position. If no position is available, he shall drop to a rank which is beneficial to the unit. An officer in this position shall serve a 3 month probationary period.

Other Ranks: Members of another unit being absorbed or transferring into the unit shall drop to a rank which is beneficial to the unit. Troopers in this capacity shall serve a 3 month probationary period.

The Command Staff and the unit members reserve the right to disapprove a transfer for any reason.

III. Membership

Maximum membership numbers at this time have not been established. Civilian membership will be regulated by the Command Staff.

1) Active Membership – All Members of the unit are considered active members whether they portray civilians or soldiers. Those under 18 yrs of age MUST join the unit with a parent or guardian. Children under 12 may not take the field as combatants. Children over the age of 12 may be on the field as runners, musicians, stretcher bearers, etc. They MUST have an adult (Parent or Guardian) who is responsible for them on the field. No member of the unit under 16 may take the field with a weapon. Active members are those who participate in events on a regular basis. They may hold rank and have a vote on all matters.

New members will fall under a new category of Prospective Member. A prospective Member MUST attend ALL events unless a waiver is granted. If a prospective member cannot attend an event, they must notify the nit in writing PRIOR to the deadline date of the event. Once a prospective member has proven that they are interested and willing to participate on a regular basis (six month period) they will be voted on by the unit as a probationary member. The probationary member must then serve a term of one (1) year probation within the unit. This rule to take effect January 1, 2015.

2) Inactive Membership- An Inactive member may be a parent or guardian who will not participate in any of the events but has a dependent who is a participating member ( eg: Son or daughter under 18 who wishes to join as a military or civilian active member. The parent must join as an inactive member for the child to be part of the unit) Although the parent joins, he or she will not be required to field at an event or count as a member for Max Effort events.

Inactive members do not have a vote, cannot hold rank, they may not voice an opinion as they are not “actively” involved in fielding with the unit. They are also prohibited from attending any social or “paid” events. They may be removed for cause if inactive. An inactive member on leave CANNOT represent themselves as a member of the 2nd Texas.

Inactive members are still required to pay their share of the insurance premium by the due date. If an inactive member does not pay their premium by the due date, they will be removed from the unit for failure to provide their premium. Members on leave are also subject to this regulation.

3) Honorary Membership- An honorary membership may be bestowed upon an individual or individuals, not belonging to the unit, who perform a community service, act of heroism or compassion, or support living history or education. The honorary member has no vote, insurance coverage or any other privilege involved with the unit.

4) Legal: Because the 2nd Texas Cavalry Co A, Inc is a registered corporation, anyone who is not a member and identifies themselves as being a member of the unit has committed an act of fraud by falsely representing themselves as a member of a corporation. Only dues paying members listed on the insurance roster who have attended at least ONE safety drill, other than listed living history members, are considered members of this unit/ corporation. The 2nd Texas Cavalry Co A, inc will prosecute those who misrepresent themselves as members of the unit. Such person will be removed from any event that they are attending by the local police as trespassers. Use of the Corporate Seal in representation of a non member will be prosecuted as a Federal Offense under Title 18 U.S.C.

A) Leave of Absence:

A member may request a leave of absence, in writing, for personal or medical reasons not to exceed 90 (ninety) days. If an extension is needed, the leave must again be requested. A majority of active members will decide if the leave can be extended.

When Leave of Absence time is over, active members will vote whether to allow member on leave back to unit. The membership will also vote as to whether the member returning from leave will retain the position they had when they left.

The Commanding Officer will be able to grant the first leave of absence. Additional leave time will be voted upon by the membership. Inactive members wishing to return to the unit must request, in writing, to do so and the above regulations shall apply.

3) Unit Membership- A unit wishing to join the 2nd may do so and retain their identity with their command staff. The exception being that if their unit is undermanned, (ie: less than 5 rifles) they will fall in with the 2nd as part of Company A. If they have an officer, that officer CANNOT exceed the rank of 1st Lieutenant when falling in with the 2nd, unless permission is granted by the Captain or senior NCO when no officer is at an event.

A unit may attend separate events as their own entity and keep their command staff in place, as long as that unit has provided the 2nd with advance notice of the event for insurance purposes.

A unit joining the 2nd must adhere to the safety guidelines in place within the 2nd, unless the unit’s guidelines are more strict.

A unit joining the 2nd must complete a six (6) month probationary period.

A unit joining the 2nd will receive a copy of the insurance compliance certificate after all fees are paid to the 2nd.

B) Attendance at Events:

All members are required to reply to emails and communications for events notifying the Unit Commander of their ability to attend or not attend an event.

If a unit member cannot attend an event, he is now REQUIRED to contact the Unit Commander or his designee that he will be present or absent from an event.

1) Failure to maintain contact: A unit member can be removed from the unit, after a hearing on the subject, for failure to maintain contact with the unit via email or other media.

2) Failure to Notify of an Absence for an Event: A member who cannot attend an event, or who shall be late for an event Must notify the Unit Commander or his designee as soon as the member knows that he will not be in attendance or shall be late. This will be considered an Absence Without Leave and is a chargeable offense.

3) Compliance: A member who does not comply with the above attendance requirement will be subject to removal from the unit after three violations of each of the above subsections or a combination of same within one year from the date of the first offense. The unit member will receive written notice of the offense.

4) Exigent Circumstances: Emergencies do occur and the unit member may notify the Unit Commander or his designee after the fact. The emergency or illness is a private matter and need not be discussed further. The member need only communicate that an emergency or other event popped up at the last minute for an excuse from duty.

All members/ units are REQUIRED to attend at least one (1) training period per year to remain active in the 2nd. This includes inactive members on leave of absence. This period will emphasize safety and drill on the respective aspects of dismounted cavalry. The member will also be responsible to know and understand infantry drill as well. There will be at least one cavalry drill and one infantry drill per calendar year. Failure to attend this drill/ safety briefing or arrange for a make-up will result in dismissal from the unit.

Non Commissioned Officers ARE REQUIRED to attend TWO (2) training drills in a calendar year to keep their rank. BECAUSE OF INSURANCE REGULATIONS THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTIONS.

A Prospective member MUST attend ALL events within a six month period

Probationary members MUST attend 5 events (Both Days) for the first year.

*Note that both Officers and NCOs will be required to drop in rank in order to fill vacancies or field more rifles. This is a REQUIREMENT of ALL members.

Members may also be required to "galvanize" due to scenario requirements.

IV. Probationary Period

A Prospective member shall serve a term of SIX MONTHS before being considered for Probationary Status. The member shall show his interest in the unit and his ability to perform the functions of the unit. I the prospective member shows proficiency in their tasks and commitment to the unit, they will be brought up for vote to probationary status. Prospective members may be removed at any time without cause. Prospective members will hold the title of Recruit.

A probationary review period of at least one full season after prospective status shall be required (unless otherwise noted). A probationary member may be removed without cause or reason during the first year. A probationary member is REQUIRED to attend at least 5 events during the season. Failure to meet this requirement will be cause for dismissal. The Captain shall review the probationary member and recommend continuance of probation, acceptance to membership or dismissal. Said probationary member will be sent for a majority vote only if it is necessary to poll the general membership. In most cases this will not be necessary if member has proven to be reliable and shows interest. Upon such a decision to go to a vote, the person will be voted on for membership by the unit at the next meeting. A simple majority of those present is required for acceptance or denial of membership.

Probationary members cannot hold rank above private (unless they come under the provision listed above in Article 2). A member can be placed back on probation in lieu of dismissal only if deemed necessary by commander. Probationary members are allowed to vote on items at meetings.

Members failing to attend mandatory events are subject to being placed back on probation. Members unable to attend a mandatory event must notify the unit commander prior to the event for an excused absence. Members notifying the unit of an absence will always be granted an excused absence for that event. It is recommended and as a sign of common courtesy to call or notify the commander or his designee of a members absence from any event.

1) Leaving the Unit- Any member can leave the unit at any time on their own. When a member leaves the unit, he must do so in writing or verbally before any two members of the unit or in writing to the commander. The letter or voice of intent to leave will be brought to the membership in a public forum.

When a member leaves the unit, all equipment belonging to the unit or loaned by other individuals to that member, must be returned in good working order within 30 (thirty) days. If equipment belonging to the unit, or another individual, is not returned after 30 (thirty) days, it shall be reported stolen. A receipt for all equipment will be given to the member who is leaving. A formal discharge will be issued to the resigning member within 10 (ten) days.

A) Removal from the Unit- Any member may be removed from the unit for disruptive conduct, failure to comply with safety protocol, failure to abide by the by-laws, inappropriate interaction with members, bullying, threats, failure to comply with written regulations of the unit or any violations listed in Sect: IX below. Removal from the unit is by simple majority vote of those present for that purpose during a regular, special meeting or at an event where the offense occurred. The commander can call for a special meeting or make a recommendation for removal for cause. The members of the unit may also make the request for such removal. The captain is NOT ALLOWED to vote on this subject, except in the case of a tie vote. That vote must be requested and seconded by the membership present for the captain to cast a deciding vote. The vote for removal of a member must be made by a secret ballot unless the majority is fine with a voice vote. The captain’s vote, after being seconded by the membership will be via public vote.

Exigent Circumstances: The commander of the 2nd Texas Cavalry Co. A may remove a member from the unit with the authority of another member of the command staff for unruly, disruptive or combative behavior. The member may also be removed immediately if said member disregards by-laws or safety protocol at an event by attempting to undermine the authority of the commander of the 2nd Texas Cavalry. Said removal will be immediate with the approval of one other member of the command staff. Said member being removed will no longer be insured and must leave the event. If said member refuses to leave, the member will be escorted off the field by the local police.

2) Non Refund of Insurance/ Dues- Members resigning or being removed from the unit ARE NOT entitled to a refund of insurance fees.

A) Re-joining the Unit- A member who has resigned in good favor may apply to rejoin the unit at his/her previous rank within 3 (three) months. If re-joining after 3 (three) months, the applicant must go through the prospective/probationary period. This period can, however, be waived in writing by the commander with membership approval (simple vote). The member re-joining the unit must pay the current insurance fee once more even if it is within the same insurance year.

B) A member who was removed will be reviewed by the membership if they wish to return after being removed. This member must wait to re-apply one year after they have been removed.

4) Transfers Any member of the 2nd may at any time request a transfer for any reason to another unit. This request MUST be brought up the chain of command in the 2nd. Once said request for transfer is announced to the command staff of the 2nd, a written request MUST be furnished to the command staff of the 2nd (A prepared form is available). Once reviewed, the unit to which the member requests to be transferred will be contacted and the form will be forwarded. Once the member has been accepted, the member MUST submit a written resignation to the command staff of the 2nd. Upon receiving such request and resignation, the member will be removed from the insurance rolls.

5) Civilians- Civilians traveling or attached to the Unit shall be bound by these by-laws and those of the association the 2nd is involved with at the time of their joining the company. Military demeanor is not required of civilians but general rules of etiquette must be followed. Civilians are not restricted by a probationary period, but, however, must be voted in by a majority of the membership with veto powers of the command staff. Civilians may be removed from the unit at any time without cause. This is a military unit and civilians are allowed to join strictly as a courtesy. The number of civilians attached to the unit can be regulated by the command staff.

A civilian wishing to become a military member must complete a probationary period of (6) six months if said civilian is already attached to this unit. If the civilian joins from another unit, he/she MUST complete a (1) one year probation as specified by these by-laws

A military member who wishes to become a civilian within the unit must resign as a military member and re-apply as a civilian. If the member wishing to become a civilian does so within the insurance year, he/she does not have to pay the insurance fee again. The member may also be refused switch to a civilian as per command staff regulation.

V. Safety

A mandatory safety meeting will be held annually. This meeting will review safety guidelines. If a safety guideline is changed or added after the safety meeting, the new guideline will be posted to the membership by the safety officer or his assistant. Copies and a sign-off sheet will be available. If a member is absent from the safety meeting, he or she MUST get a safety guidelines review before participating in any event. New members will go through a mandatory safety meeting prior to being allowed to appear at any event. Failure to comply will be cause for dismissal. Winter drill is considered to be one of the safety meetings.

There will be no ""walk on" participants unless they are from a recognized and insured unit. Proof of membership or recognition of the unit must be presented to the captain. Members CANNOT bring an individual who is not a member of this unit to "try out" an event. If someone who has never participated in an event comes with a member and wishes to take the field, he will do so in a non combat unarmed role. The captain will have the final say in this matter.

During Overnights and camp outs a safety review will be conducted to make sure the camp is safe from hazards. (See attached Addendum B)

During Military Re-enactments a safety review and briefing will be held on the first day of the event.

A safety officer will be designated at all sites.

A copy of the safety guidelines will be accessible at all events.

A stocked first aid kit and fire extinguisher will be readily available at all times.

All members are encouraged to have a personal first aid kit with them at all times.

Canteens will be carried at all times while out of camp.

*Members who take medication should have an ample supply with them at all times and have emergency contact info on their person.

* A member taking the field will attend the company drill or battalion drill in the morning if they are to take the field NO EXCEPTIONS.

VI. Membership fees

Membership fees include cost of insurance required to be a member.

Active Membership - Fee is determined yearly based upon insurance premiums and event fees.

Other Membership- Fee is determined yearly based upon insurance premiums and event fees.

Unit Membership- Fee is per person and is based upon insurance premiums and event fees.

Failure to make dues payments/insurance payments on the assigned date will be cause for dismissal. Notifications will be sent out at least 30 (thirty) days in advance.

Fees are due on the date noted below. Anyone who has not paid his or her fee will not be allowed to participate.

1. Insurance fee is due 9/1.

2. Event fees are payable by the individual member. These fees MUST be sent PRIOR to the event to guarantee a place on the field. Deadlines for payments will be strictly enforced. The 2nd Texas WILL NOT “front” monies for an event for an individual who has not paid for an event.

3. Under no circumstances will the unit "Front" monies out of company funds to purchase any items or equipment including powder, caps and tubes. Individuals wishing to obtain equipment through the unit's discount program MUST PAY FOR THE EQUIPMENT IN ADVANCE. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS WHATSOEVER. No credit will be extended to any individual for any reason.

VII. Meeting

A) Military- Meetings will be held prior to or at an event. The annual safety meeting is MANDATORY. Failure to attend or get safety briefing is cause for dismissal from the unit. A safety briefing at an event is equal to attending the annual meeting. You MUST get at least 1 (one) safety briefing per year. The Winter Drill is considered to be a safety meeting as all firing guidelines will be addressed.

B) Corporate-Corporation meetings will be held once per calendar year to discuss corporate business. This meeting can be held after or before any military meetings. The purpose of this meeting is to:

1. Discuss business,

2. Decide upon upcoming events and the event calendar (to be voted upon by the membership),

3. Discuss changes or additions to the corporate by-laws.

The Corporate meetings will take place on the Saturday of the First Event of the season.

VIII. Equipment

Before purchasing any equipment, please consult the uniform requirements of the unit. To participate in an event, you must comply with the uniform guidelines.

(See Attendum C)

Members are responsible for the purchase / procurement of any equipment that they wish to use. This includes clothing, leather gear, firearms, etc. for their personal use. Some items that are lent or borrowed from the Unit** or members, must be returned prior to separation from the Unit. These items include, but are not limited to, flags, replica non-firing firearms, keys, and other items that may be borrowed from the Unit or from individuals.

If a member is unsure of the items that they require, the 2nd will purchase the items and ship them to the new member. The member is responsible for all fees and the purchase price of the equipment. The member is also responsible for providing the right sizes. All members must comply with the uniform guidelines listed to field with the unit.

Firearms are subject to inspection and approval of Safety officers, Captains, and designated safety coordinators when at events. Firearms MUST be maintained and in a safe operating condition at all times. NO EXCUSES.

Firearms lent during an event MUST be thoroughly cleaned by the individual borrowing it and shall be inspected for cleanliness before being returned.

Any equipment lent must be returned in the same manner as it was received.

Powder and Cartridges: You are responsible for obtaining powder and rolling your own cartridges. You must also obtain your own caps. If you borrow cartridges and caps, please make an effort to return some or pay for them. Cleaning patches and oil for firearms is readily available to all members of the 2nd Texas. You should have your own equipment. If you use the Company Ordinance please try to leave a donation or replace the items.




A supplement to safety will be given to each member at the beginning of each season.

** The Unit is slowly building a small inventory of extra equipment and uniforms. Items may be “lent” form this inventory to an individual who is interested in joining the unit. The prospective member may be required to pay a small fee (Temporary insurance, event fee and cleaning fee for the borrowed equipment). The fees will be published in the future. Some items are personally owned by individuals and it is their decision to lend or not.

IX. Cause for Dismissal:

A) A member may be dismissed for the following reasons:

1.) Any reason with or without cause during probationary period.

a) Failure to meet attendance requirements during probation.

b) Failure to notify command staff of attending an outside event.

2.) Any violation of safety guidelines or gun safety rules or any safety issues that

could cause injury to anyone.

a) Possession of live ammunition

b) Violation of an event safety rule

3.) Failure to attend mandatory safety meeting or arrange for makeup with safety officer.

4.) Failure to pay annual dues in accordance with the by-laws.

5.) Inappropriate interaction with members or event staff.

6.) Slander, ethnic or racial slurs, derogatory comments, racial, sexual discrimination or harassment will NOT be tolerated and is cause for immediate dismissal.

7.) Conduct unbecoming a cavalry trooper in accordance with the Rules and Articles of War (1863).

8.) Abuse to any animal belonging to any member of the unit or to any other animal during an encampment/ re-enactment

9.) Vandalism, theft or purposely damaging the person or property of another attending a re- enactment/ encampment whether that property belongs to another re-enactor, the host, spectator or any other person involved with the re-enactment / encampment.

10.) Fighting or assault.

11.) Use or possession of illegal drugs or alcohol and being under the influence of same.

12.) Disruptive conduct or failure to follow proscribed orders during the military operations (once camped at or attending an event)

a) Mutinous behavior ( attempting to subvert the by-laws, safety protocols or orders of the unit commander at an event)

13) Failure to follow the by-laws and guidelines of the unit.

14) Use of email lists is for members only. Do not give out unit member's email to anyone without their permission. Any mass correspondence must be cleared by the command staff prior to being posted.

15) Violation of section III subsection B (Attendance)*

The unit member (not on probation) is entitled to an explanation of charges (written) and may request a formal hearing. (see below)

* A formal hearing will be granted to all members on this section whether a full member or on probation.

B) Court Marshal/Field Discipline

We must maintain the appearance of discipline for the public. If an officer or NCO asks you to do something, please do it.

An NCO may "write up" and place on report any soldier he feels has committed an infraction, or may verbally reprimand the soldier. This will be done VERY RESPECTFULLY.

All infractions will be heard by the commanding officer of the unit. A member of this unit has a right (unless on probation) to a hearing.

All court marshal/disciplinary hearings will be conducted using the Articles of War (US Army 1860)

If you encounter a problem with a member of another unit, please bring it to your officer's attention.

If an officer or NCO of another unit attempts to discipline or question you about an alleged incident, unless said incident is a safety violation and has to be immediately addressed, you have the right, under these by-laws to request that your officer or NCO be present during any questioning.

You also have the right not to answer any questions unless you have spoken to your officer or NCO. You may, of your own free will, waive these rights.

These court marshal proceedings are NOT a cause for dismissal unless they violate any of the provisions in Art: IX Sect: A

X. Grievances:

Should any member feel they have been aggrieved in any manner, they may apply in writing to the unit commander setting forth the manner in which they feel they have been aggrieved and the nature of relief sought, Command shall review the matter and respond within a timely manner but not longer than 60 days advising whether relief sought shall be granted or denied. The Captain will have the FINAL say in all grievable matters. Grievances will not be considered corporation business these will be military matters only.

XI. Additions to By-Laws

Any proposed additions to the military by-laws will be brought up in the form of a written motion and be presented to the Captain. The proposed additions to the by-laws will be reviewed by the Captain and after his review they will be brought up for a vote by the membership. Majority vote of the members who are in attendance the annual meeting or special meeting are required for the additions to take effect. If an addition is needed and no meeting is scheduled, a verbal (phone) or an email vote can be registered and the results sent to the whole unit. Time constraints may be placed on such vote as email does list the time of the recorded email. If only a partial number of members vote in this manner the majority will be counted. The addition will be added to the by-laws prior to the annual meeting Note: Article I. Name, Article II. Command may not be changed except by a 70% vote of all members (not including inactive members). Article XIII Corporate are included here as a courtesy. Any changes to the corporate structure will be handled at the corporate level.

XII. Access

A copy of the safety guidelines and the by-laws will be available for review on site and will be distributed to members who sign-up along with suggested equipment list.

XIII. Corporate

The 2nd Texas Cavalry Company A, Inc is the business arm of the Cavalry unit. It is the agent responsible for the procurement of insurance, the collection of dues and fees, contact with event coordinators, other business and the payment of event fees. It will have NO direction of events on the battlefield. Corporate By-Laws are separate from these By-Laws. If there is a conflict between the Corporation and the Cavalry Unit, the Cavalry Unit’s interests shall take precedence

ADDENDUM A: Confederate States Marine Corps

The unit members who wish to portray a Confederate Marine will have the following regulations applied.

  1. The By-Laws and Safety Standards will remain the same and be adhered to at all times.

  2. Uniform regulations will be strictly enforced. You MUST have the proscribed Marine uniform and accouterments to field as a Marine. NO EXCEPTIONS

  3. The CSMC had No Female personnel.

  4. The unit shall be called a “Detail” or “Detachment” and shall consist of one (1) NCO and 4 Privates.

  5. This detail is a secondary impression and not mandatory.

  6. The may or may not field at some events.

  7. All members of the detail must know the history of the CSMC.

  8. In the event that this detail grows, a secondary rank structure may be instituted.

  9. If there are not enough members at an event to field as a cavalry troop, the marines may field in their stead.

Home Uniform Safety Getting Started