
Post date: Feb 6, 2018 6:08:43 PM

Updates, there are always updates.

Welcome Erik! He is from Canada and is our new player from Canada, taking it from Kelvin. Erik can be reached at ehelgeso65@gmail.com

Welcome Ketil! He lives in the Washington DC area and is our new player for Persia, taking it from Andreas. Ketil can be reached at ketil.hom@gmail.com

Andreas will be taking Korea from Liam

Kelvin will be taking Australia from Sergey

Mistakes were found in the Budget spreadsheets for Persia, Germany, Nordic Federation, Canada, Nigeria, and Japan. These files have been replaced.

A mistake was found in the formula for Uplift/Downlift in the Calculator tab on the sheets. How it treats tech level is wrong. Not important enough to replace the sheets now. Will be fixed by next turn.

Tom, Chance: Get onto the rpol site now and request to join the game "2300 Great Game Command Center". It is really important.

Erik, Ketil: Yahoo is being very strange right now. It will not let me send an invite to you for joining the yahoo group that we use for messaging the group. I will keep trying.