Results of Orders posted

Post date: May 2, 2018 3:01:49 AM

Finally finished! You should have received emails with pdf attachments on the results of your orders for your nations for the 2045 Turn. Please let me know if there is any problem with them that can be fixed. We are very close to finishing the articles, hopefully, I will be able to post them within a week, then we can move onto combat and any mid-Turn actions.

We have a new player, Carl Oscar Nagell. He can be reached at caosz15500 (at) gmail (dot) com. He will be taking Australia. Welcome Carl!

I (Kelvin) will be taking Canada from now on.

I have not yet finished the rough draft of the update to the rules for the next turn. I am at the point where every solution to a problem opens up even more problems. Hopefully, I will have something within the next week or two.