Results for 2045 Quick Combat Round#3

Post date: Sep 15, 2018 2:10:23 AM

I was not planning on being absent for 2 months, but in my defence, what I thought was going to be simple Quick Combat Round quickly turned very complex, and I (and Liam) did get a lot done that needed to be done in the background on the game. The results for the third round of combat in the 2045 Turn have finally been posted to the RPOL site.

Remember that I said that there will not be a Quick Combat Round#4 unless there is a significant reason to? Yes, there is reason to.

You will have until Sept 21 1200 UTC to post to me in the appropriate threads about what your nations are going to do in response before I start Round #4.

In Round#4 we will be seeing

-China very miffed at Korea for attempting to destabilize the Chinese mainland.

-USA forces available to fight alongside Turkey

-Additional Nigerian forces arriving in Togo

-Turkey continuing its attack into Armenia

The newest thing being introduced is a unified Unit listing spreadsheet. This is an old idea that I resisted for years because I had hoped that we could all keep our respective Military pages on the main website properly updated, but this turn has shown me that this is never going to happen. With all the movement this turn and updates to unit disposition spreadsheets that everyone was sending me, I quickly lost track of where things are. Go to the Google spreadsheet, look at your forces, check that everything is correct and up to date. Be sure to log in to Google first in order to edit the last 5 columns, which is where you will put the movement orders for your units and any notes about their status, specifically any modules that a Spaceship possesses. Where ever possible we tried to keep the same unitIDs for your units, but sometimes it just was not possible.

No, you cannot edit the columns in Grey background. That is for GMs only.

Yes, starting next turn, as far as the GM is concerned this spreadsheet will be the only acceptable repository of your orders for where a unit is and where it is going. You can write whatever else you want about your units, where ever else you want, it will have no meaning to the GM.

Yes, the sheet for your nation's units location and movement is visible to all the other players, BY DESIGN.

Yes, the ability to correctly specify some other Star System other than Sol is broken. There is much editing to do on the table before it works. We have the time.

Yes, I have considered linking this sheet with the Budgetary and SettlementList spreadsheets. A project for later, not now.

Micheal, Terry: If you are still with us, Google does not seem to recognize your email addresses as being acceptable to log into your sheets. Do you have another email address?