Onto Combat!

Post date: Jun 10, 2018 4:38:33 AM

I am back! The world is still round, people still suck, I still think Meghan's dress was terrible, and the kitten I was trying to nurse back to health is still dead, I mean jeez, if you are going to marry a Royal you should at least look like the part! Anyways, onto killing people.

In round 1, the fighting that is important to the player nations is:

-Currently between Armenia and Turkey is a confused brawl across a broad front. In general, an Armenian push to the Turkish south has barely gotten started before being threatened by several Turkish counter-thrusts into the Armenian north.

-Brazil will be invading Venezuela with a large force and receiving support from some local factions.

-Saudi Arabia will be attacking Iraq. Iraq is receiving significant support from Canada.

-Russia and Syria will be attacking Rebel Syrians

You have until June 16, 2018 at 1200 UTC to get into me any orders on what you are going to do about this before I start making combat rolls.

Also, you should know that:

-Columbia is preparing to invade Venezuela

-Kurdistan is preparing to invade Iraq

-Nigeria will be invading Togo with a small force.

These actions are not likely to happen until at least round 2.