Here is the plan to move forward

Post date: Apr 26, 2014 8:32:52 PM

Here is the plan for the completion of turn 2025-2029. Right now I, together with Kelvin and Chris are summarizing what has happened and are shaping the outcome of events and your PAs. I am plowing through the many many pages of turnorders, budgets, deals, emails, info etc.

On may 01 at the latest I will present the result of all PAs actions etc, ie the news articles. This will be a sort of status on or about 2028. Then you will have the opportunity to comment or react to this. I expect your response PAs etc no later than 1800 hrs CET on may 07. This will be your final opportunity to act, react or comment on this turn, so please take this opportunity to let me know if I missed or misunderstood anything. On may 22 at the latest I will put up the followups to the actions and news on the world history news page. When this is done the turn will be completed. END TURN.

On june 01 at the latest you will receive your budgets for the next turn 2030-2034.