
Post date: Apr 16, 2020 1:55:47 PM

I’m afraid is time to leave. And the reason is quite simple: I’m not enjoying the game anymore.

I joined this game about 9 years ago (RL time, turn 2015-19 in game terms), and the game has changed many times from then (GM changes, rules changes, trend changes) and, frankly, I don’t like the last ones. There’s not even a single event that I can tell to be the straw that broke the camel’s back, it’s more the trend the game is taking.

I’ve gone from a time when I waited eagerly (and usually long time) for the turn returns, but this is no more now. I guess most of the more veteran players have realized my activity in the game has been diminishing as time passed.

Those last turns I wrote this same (or similar) letter each one, and I decided to wait one turn more to see if something changed, but any change done has reaffirmed me what I thought: it’s quite clear Kelvin and I don’t agree on what the game should be. And as he’s the GM, it’s time to take the advice he gave me some time ago and leave.

You all know I advocated for a decision about if the game should be a strategic or role playing one. In strategic games, players use to have less flexibility, but more information , in RPGs, the information uses to be limited, but greater flexibility makes for it. Kelvin has always said the game will keep in the border, being both, but, IMHO, at the end of the day we have the limited information (when we have any) of an RPG with the limited flexibility (again, if any) of an strategic game.

To give an example, this last turn Germany tried to improve relations with Italy. Result was “success with minor mishap”, and I was told Italy asked for support it in Libya. Last reports from Libya situation were from turn 2035-39 (so 25 game years old), so I asked what kind of support (political? Military? Both?) Italy asked for. Answer: The degree of Germany's response will influence Italy's response. I’ll quote you the conversation since then on the issue (my quotes in blue, Kelvin's in green):

2060 WR1 German actions:

-Germany RPA#1:

Goal: Stabilization of Egypt/Libya border by strengthening Libyan position (also to fulfill Italy request of help and bring it closer to Germany)

Action: supporting Libyan government, both in political way and by improving its military, with the sending of advisors and loans to buy material so that its quality is improved. Also political support to Italian intervention forces..

Background: Since Ghaddaffis death, back in early 2020’s, Libya situation has been unstable, despite Italian help. Egypt seems to want to take advantage of this to occupy Cyrenaica, making the border quite unstable and clashes common.

Argument: Strengthening Libyan position may make Egypt to think twice before keeping with its claims and actions. Also, stabilizing Libya may help to stabilize the whole region

Suggested outcome: Keeping Egypt quiet in this border, aside from increasing Libyan stability and maybe military capabilities (be it in TL, MA or forces. With this help to Italian mission, Germany also hopes to bring Italy closer (increasing relations with Germany, th rue goal on the action)

Resources devoted: 1 RPApoints. Satellite support (allowing Italy and Libya to use German communications/Spy networks). If Italy agrees, Germany offers to deploy its carriers and some air power in south Italy as a dissuading argument for Egypt.</quote>

<i>>-Germany RPA#1:

>Goal: Stabilization of Egypt/Libya border by strengthening Libyan position


>If Italy agrees, Germany offers to deploy its carriers and some air power in south Italy</i>

You are going to have to be more exact about that. Specific units in specific hexes with specific actions, I do not have time for back-and-forth negotiations. Because of this, this RPA will be resolved later.

>To be clear: Germany won't start an armed conflict with Egypt, though doesn't rule out to intervene if thre's already one.

To be more exact, I need to know what the situation is. Specifically:

- Are Egypt and Lybia at war?

- Is Italy intervening now in this conflict (after all, they were the ones that asked for support)?

- f so, is Italian intervention with military units or just political support?

In reply to Germany (msg # 85):

“….There are no secret game mechanics, or secret reservoirs of knowledge, which would help you if only you asked, …. Everything that happens in this game is a consequence of what is either in the rules, in the spreadsheets, on the website, or in the forums.” (FAQ#7) “… If a point of information about a Settlement or NPC is not mentioned somewhere in the website then it likely does not exist, the Referee has no intention of creating it, and it has no bearing on the conduct of the game; exceptions will occur when the Referee explicitly tells players that there is an exception.” (FAQ#11).

Specifically, this means that Italian actions will largely depend upon German actions and the actions of those other players that are part of this event. And having said that, we have been through this before, orders which are just “IF … THEN …” type orders are not acceptable.

And I list this example, because this is what I’ve been finding, once and again, last turns: no clear answer to any question.

So, I was forced to answer to a situation without knowing even if there was a war. How can I? Simply, I cannot, so, as already said, it’s time to hear his advice (post 519, rules discussion thread):

In reply to Germany (msg # 517):

You will carry on in exactly the same way as when you realized that you had made the mistake of joining a game which was not professionally designed, curated, or even existed, and had to be created from scratch in the middle of play.

I did not make a mistake by joining, but maybe I did by keeping on it.

And yet, believe me, it’s not easy to leave. Too much involved and too much time invested…

But I play games to enjoy them and to face challenges, and when those challenges cannot be faced with the resources you have, I obtain frustration instead of enjoyment, and what I’m sure is I don’t ply to be frustrated.

But in one point I agree with kelvin: one must not simply disappear, and I really think you all deserved an explanation, hence this long post.

So, farewell to everyone, get my best wishes and take care.