End of Turn

Post date: Sep 20, 2017 4:27:48 AM

We have finally made it to the end of the Turn!

As you might have seen, I have already begun making adjustments to the website to accommodate keeping the game going. The most obvious is replacing the map of Earth that we had been using with one generated inside the Heaven&Earth system that we will be using for all other worlds. I know that it will be a hassle to make the change in the map, everything we have is listed according to the old coordinate system; I am sorry, but that old map has significantly outlived its relevance. Too little in the way how the game currently operates works with that old map, it had to be retired.

There will be many more updates to other documents that we have, and I also want to recruit more new players. There is a great deal for me to do, so I can only guess that we will not be able to start the next Turn for some weeks.

Two more articles to finish off the last of the news:

Saudi Ports Busy With German Support (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia) The flow of German made supplies into the Saudi Arabian war machine have made it clear what is the German position on the Saudi-Iraq war. An astonishing level of clarity of position given the lack of response from most of the rest of the nations of the world. German officials would not say when German military units are expected to join in the Saudi attack, but our military experts think it may be soon. -BBC World News

Dow Jones Plummets, Experts to Revise Downward All Growth Projections (New York, USA) Following the joint statement of several producers, lead by Saudi Arabia and Russia to slash world oil supplies to levels not seen since the Great Oil Drought of 2020 - 2034, has caused all fuel prices to skyrocket. Panic buying of supplies and violence on the street have already been seen. As with the years the globe laboured under the Great Oil Drought, fuel rationing is expected to be imposed shortly, undoubtedly food rationing will soon follow.