FAQs - Unified Training Platform project

WHAT is this project?

As of 2023, SIL International manages 4 training platforms (not including Google Classroom or Workday). This is due in part to each existing platform meeting different training needs.

However, this state of affairs makes it hard for SIL staff and others interested in the types of training that SIL offers to find out what is available and is not an efficient use of SIL's resources.

In 2022, a working group of SIL training stakeholders tackled the question of whether there was a single platform which could meet all of SIL's needs. It became clear that the answer was "yes." We're excited about the opportunities this will give us for online training in SIL. This single platform will replace Cornerstone, Moodle, and Google Classroom.


Having multiple training platforms makes it challenging for SIL staff (or external customers) to find out what training is available. It also makes it hard to avoid duplication. Shifting to a single platform will lead to more efficiency and a better use of SIL resources.


We hope to begin implementation of a new corporate training platform for SIL in the first quarter of FY2025 (October-December 2024). We anticipate beginning to transfer course content before the end of 2024 with the goal of having the new platform implemented, populated with all existing course materials, and available to learners by March 2025. We will discontinue the use of Cornerstone, Moodle, and Google Classroom by the end of FY2025.

How might this impact me?

If you are the instructor or "owner" of an online course, you will want to check and see if all of your training materials are in a portable (universal) format such as a .pdf, .mp3, .mp4 or SCORM. Linking via URLs to resources found elsewhere will still be an option as well. If you have built any materials in Moodle itself (using the Book, Page, or Lesson features), that content will need to be saved into a portable format before it can be uploaded to the new training platform. We encourage you to start preparing for this change in FY2024, even though the transferring of course materials will not happen until FY2025.