4th Grade

Portfolios: Create your name in a cool way. Trace, and color.

On the back, make sure you have a good theme! Here are some good examples:

Animal, sports, abstract, 3D, or your own theme!

About Me Collage: (2-3 classes)

Day 1: The class will discuss what a collage means, and understand that it is a group of materials, pictures, and words layered in a united design. The students will be asked to create a collage about themselves, and the teacher will show a good example.

Day 2-3: The students will look through magazines and choose a variety of pictures to create this collage, using balance, unity, and overlapping.

Materials: Magazines, paper, scissors.

Collage Website

Google Collage ideas

Venetian Masks

The purpose of this lesson is for students to design and have a greater understanding

for the use of masks in the past societies.

Materials: plaster strips, mask forms, water, acrylic paint, metallic paint, ribbon.

Objectives: The artist will:

• Discuss what a Venetian mask is, and how it related to past societies.

• Look at several examples of Venetian Masks

• Talk about details and designs that appear on these masks.

• Discuss step by step process for these masks. • Sketch their design ideas

• Create their own masks using plaster strips, paint, and ribbon.

Art Standards: S1: Process and skills S3: Symbolic knowledge S4: History and culture of the Venetian Mask

Vocabulary: Lines, Designs, highlights, outline.

Venetian Mask Website

Venetian Mask History

Types of Venetian Masks

Labyrinth Masquerade sequence

About the Venice Carnivale Masquerade

Open Carnivale in Venice


More masks

Navajo Sand painting

The purpose of this lesson is for students to understand the culture of the Navajo Indians and create a project similar to their style of Art.

The Artist will:

  • Discuss the art and ideas behind Navajo Sand Painting.

  • Look at several examples of Sand Painting.

  • Watch videos of demonstrations of sand painting.

  • Discuss symbolism and outdoor life with the Navajos.

  • sketch a sand painting idea using the symbolism in this culture.

  • Draw their design on a piece of cardboard.

  • Paint on the glue and use small amounts of colored sand to create their own sand painting.

Materials: Cardboard, Elmer’s Glue (in small containers for brush use), brushes, colored sand, pencils.

Short video: Easy example of Navajo Sand Painting

Composition of Navajo Sand Paintings

More Sand Paintings

Navajo Sand Painting Artist

Navajo Sand Painting Website

Rain Sticks

The purpose of this lesson is for students to understand a cultural symbol through music and art.

Rainstick Videos: Materials, How to use different materials such as nails, pins, or toothpicks, filling a rainstick

The Artist will:

  • Discuss what a rainstick is and what cultures use these instruments.

  • Define reasons for this instrument.

  • Discuss the different Native American Cultures that use them (Hopi, Navajo, Sioux, Chumash).

  • Discuss other Iconic Symbols of Native Americans, such as Kokopelli and the Dream Catcher.

  • Listen to a Native American Legends and symbols that relates to the students.

  • Discuss how the Native Americans used symbols to tell a story.

  • Build a rainstick and create a cover using symbols and ideas from Native American Culture.

Materials: Brown Paper, Paint, Native American Symbols, books about Native American Culture.

Standards: S1: Skills and Process, S3: Symbolism, S4: History and Culture, S6: Connection to music.

Native American Crafts

Native American Culture

Puppet Unit:

Students will be creating a sock puppet. Students can bring their own sock from home, or I will have some extras. The students will:

-Sketch a cool sock puppet idea.

-Create a mouth using some sewing and gluing.

-Paint and glue on features.

-Sew and add clothing as needed!

-Put on a puppet show!

American Gothic Parodies

The purpose of this lesson is for students to get to know Grant Wood and his work, and put a funny twist on a very famous Painting. 4-6 class periods.

Objectives: The artist will:

  • Discuss what they know about Grant Wood and his famous painting, “American Gothic”.

  • Listen to a short book about Grant Wood, including fun facts about his life and ideas behind his famous paintings.

  • Look at examples and fun ideas behind American Gothic on the Internet.

  • Discuss and list what it means to make a parody, by making it funny, but still using the essential parts of the painting, such as the man, woman, and building behind them

  • Understand the vocabulary of proportion, realism, and regionalism.

  • Create an “American Gothic” parody using colored pencils.

Cross Curriculum: History, literature.

Art Standards: S1, S3, S4, S6.

American Gothic Parodies!

Funny Commercial using the American Gothic people!


Videos about American Gothic and Grant Wood:


