Student Organizations

Get involved at Shrine!

At Shrine there is a club for everyone. Whether your interest is social justice, gaming, performing, leading or service there is a place for you!


A business club that supports the development skills in career areas such as hospitality, finance, business administration and entrepreneurship. Students develop leadership, communication and employability skills to help prepare them to be leaders.

Moderators: Sarah Cerone & Amy Smith

Fan Club

Open to all high school students that are fans of art, anime, video games, board/card games and more. Students organize regular social gatherings to discuss and share in their favorite hobbies and games, as well as run a film screening series for charity, and more.

Moderators: Brian Folmar


Knightsmen is an all male vocal ensemble open to gentlemen in grades 9 - 12. They sing at 3 major events each year and meet one morning a week to rehearse. Rehearsals are guided by 2 senior student directors and Mrs. Malloy 

Moderator: Julie Malloy


Lifted is an all-girl high school club. The purpose of the club is to lift each other and our community through faith, friendship, and service. Lifted provides online content three days a week posted by the moderator and student leaders. We offer encouragement and support through quotes, messages, and excerpts from books that focus on mental health, faith, friendship, and some of our daily struggles. Additionally, Lifted plans a monthly service project that supports either the school or the larger community. We also offer optional social opportunities throughout the year. 

Moderator: Eva Mutschler


We raise money to help make a young person's dream come true! Our members organize an exciting array of fund-raising events. Last year we raised $6,000! This year we're aiming for $10,000. As our parent organization states, "Together, we create life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses." 

Moderator: Michael DeBruyn

Morning Announcement Team

This is a brand new organization of students who are in charge of delivering the announcements, prayer, and pledge to the student body every morning. 

Moderators: Katie Hearn & Amy Smith

Music Ministry

Music Ministry is open to all HS students and rehearses one morning a week. They consist of singers, guitar players, and bass players and provide music for our weekly liturgies. 

Moderator: Julie Malloy

National Honor Society (NHS)

The NHS has five pillars: character, scholarship, leadership, service, and faith. 10th graders and up with a 3.5 GPA and who exemplify these values are welcome to join. NHS members perform service projects, tutor their fellow students (including Academy students), and participate in student government (SLEC). 

Moderator: Michael DeBruyn & Patty Jaeger

Peace and Justice Club

Students learning about immigration and how it impacts our society and injustices against the dignity of a person. Students are educated and then become advocates for those who cannot advocate for themselves. In 2023 our students met with lawmakers in Lansing and the Michigan Catholic Conference to advocate for the passage of the Drive Safe Bill.

Moderator: Donna Salogar


SLEC (Student Leadership Executive Council) is comprised of senior, junior, sophomore and freshman class officers voted by their peers. Class officers plan all school dances, spirit week, pep rallies, class events and more! Elections are held every spring. 

For more information email or 

Moderators: Sara Dunn & Amanda Schubeck

Sweet Harmony

Sweet Harmony is an all women's choir open to all students in grades 9-12. We perform at multiple concerts through the school year in all musical styles from classical to pop. Sweet Harmony meets 1 morning a week and is lead by 2 student directors. 

Moderator: Julie Malloy


The Shrine High School Theatre Department produces two large shows each school year. These productions consist of a Fall Play and a Spring Musical. Some recent show titles include "Clue", "A Christmas Carol", "Murder is in the Heir", "Freaky Friday the Musical", "Beauty and the Beast", "Sound of Music" We have guest Directors and Choreographers that our students get to work with. About 50% of our HS population participates in some area of the producing of our shows. 

Moderator: Julie Malloy

UNICEF United Service Club

Students working together, learn as they serve children and teens in need. High school students study an issue that affects disadvantaged youth and organize a service project to assist with observed needs in the community. 

Moderator: Donna Salogar


This is the club entrusted to capture memories of the school year and make them permanent in book form. We take photos, write stories, design pages, conduct surveys and market the book. The club is open to any and all students! 

Moderator: Wright Wilson

Hear from our students!

"I really enjoy DECA! I've learned so many applicable and career advancing professional skills!"

Raphael Olajide

"I absolutely love being a part of the theater program!! It creates a tight knit community within the school, and helps me grow in my personal theater journey!'' 

Elena Gallagher

"Starting Make-A-Wish with Maya LaChance has been an amazing experience! There is nothing more spectacular than providing joy and happiness to those in need as a school community!" 

Kai Sood

"Fanclub is awesome! I like connecting with my peers over shared interests like art, anime, video games and more!"

Suzanne Sharrak

"SLEC is an amazing opportunity to plan fun events for the school community and grow my leadership skills."

Emmie Wright

"Lifted is such a welcoming club, I love getting to know girls in other grades. The girls in the school really come together and lift each other up." 

Lily Maisel

"When the Knightsmen come together and sing it makes me appreciate how close we are as a community of Shrine Knights." 

Andrew Affeldt

"Music Ministry helps me feel more involved at Mass. I love getting to spread God's word through music."

Matthew White