Social Studies

The future must learn from the past

We strive to enable and empower our students to think critically about the world around them.

A Few Achievements:

Department Highlight:

Students prepare for success by completing extensive research into multiple aspects of career and financial readiness in a personal finance project. Students identify their ideal career, and must budget college classes, home and car ownership and other expenses in light of realistic starting salaries for their field.

Meet our Faculty!

Peter Klozik 

"School should teach skills and in learning those skills grades will come as a side effect."

Kathleen Hearn 

"My goal is for students to understand that history is not an array of facts or memorization but a lifelong process of understanding and learning."

    Nicole Darmofal 

"My goal is for students to understand that history is always evolving and changing and to take that knowledge to create critical thinking skills."

Lucille Washington

"Our students should understand history so that they can help create a better future."

Academy Courses Offered:

High School Courses Offered: