Campus Ministry

Encountering Christ through worship, retreats, and service

We make Christ present through liturgy, sacraments and opportunities of worship.

A Few Achievements:

A Highlight:

In addition to annual day retreats for students of each grade, Campus Ministry facilitates a well established Kairos retreat for our junior class rooted in the principles of Ignatian spiritual discernment. This voluntary 4 day retreat sees regular participation rates of over 90%. Seniors who have previously attended the retreat can apply to return as leaders who guide the next class through the retreat. Shrine Catholic's Kairos has been and continues to be a lasting experience of spiritual formation that empowers students to reflect upon and incorporate their faith into their lives as they graduate and find their place in the world.

Meet our Faculty!

Donna Salogar

"I believe that students need a variety of settings to experience the love of Christ"