Performing Arts

Where Creativity Lives

In the Performing Arts Department, we aim to create lifelong lovers of music and the arts. We teach skills with passion, compassion, and fun so that we cultivate a positive learning environment where anyone and everyone can find success. 

A Few Achievements:

Department Highlight:

As a Music Department, we put together the Hootenanny, which is our school talent show. However, we go beyond solo acts, and each of our High School performing ensembles showcases a song or two. The students leaders in both Band and Choir collaborate to do auditions for solo acts, make a fun video called "SHS News" to be played during the Hootenanny, and work together to introduce each act and host the show. On average, we have about 150 students performing in this event and it always draws a large crowd. We love how well this showcases the talents and dedication of our department and the whole student body. 

Meet our Faculty!

Stephanie Levoska

"As a music educator, I aim to help students find a love and appreciation of music. I try to challenge students who need a challenge, and support students who need support, and at the end of the day, we have created something that we can all enjoy." 

Julie Malloy

"I am incredibly passionate about Vocal Music and Theatre. I believe that the performing arts give us an opportunity to express ourselves and connect with others on a higher level. I challenge my students every day to think on a deeper level about the art they are trying to create. Through Choral Music I require my students to be creative, disciplined, flexible, and work with others. I help my students develop confidence in themselves and strengthen their ability to connect and communicate with their audience. I encourage them to discover and explore the emotions that different choral experiences bring to them and help them learn to articulate what they feel and why."

Academy Courses Offered:

High School Courses Offered: