
Teaching students to understand God's creations

Enabling students to grasp the foundational knowledge and skills that they will use for the rest of their lives is a wonderful gift. A strong relationship with God and a good education is, in our belief, the two most important things we can impart to the younger generation. It is our department’s goal; to not only teach the students science, but valuable life skills, while developing a strong moral code, fostering success and happiness long after their career at Shrine is over. 

A few achievements:

Department Highlight

Our freshmen students research a genetic disorder and relate materials and concepts to real life disorders and conditions. Culminating Activity is a presentation to the class on the science of the disorder as well as the realities of living with or caring for someone who is afflicted with the disorder. 

Meet our Faculty!

Joel Bergeron

"As a teacher, I strive to engage, challenge, and inspire growth in my students both during their high school experience and as a life long learner. This extends to all aspects of their lives with an emphasis on the sciences and their faith."

Richard Blauvelt

"I enjoy teaching students how they can use critical thinking and scientific reasoning to better understand phenomena in the natural world."

Brad Cross

"To engage students with interactive science learning to help them realize their potential, and become active members of their school and faith community."

Aaron Scott 

"It is my passion to teach; to make physical education and health a positive, engaging, enjoyable experience where students can be challenged, be creative, be physically active and be themselves in a safe environment."

Vince Tocco

"I treat students the way I would want a teacher to treat my own children. I have the best job in the world."

Catherine Winowiecki 

"To support students in the integration of scientific foundational knowledge and faith through highly engaging lessons, labs, and projects for the lifelong enthusiastic pursuit of knowledge and the most rewarding relationship with God for a successful career and family life." "God controls every part of the natural world--His creation--the world we study in science". - Haycock, R.C., 1993 

Academy Courses Offered:

High School Courses Offered: