Results & Progression

Undergraduate (UG) Timeline Overview

Here is a general timeline for when/how students will obtain their transcripts and degree certificate:

Degree Regulations

You can find your degree regulations by using the Programme Regulations Finder.

The regulations outline the requirements of your degree programme, and the structure of your course. If you need any advice on your degree regulations please contact the Journalism Inbox at

University General Regulations for First Degrees

The University of Sheffield Calendar outlines the Charter, Statues and Regulations of the University. It's on The University of Sheffield Calendar that you can access all general regulations set by the university. These are in addition to the specific degree regulations for your course. Ones of particular use and interest for Undergraduate students are the General Regulations for First Degrees and can be found in a list of individual documents on The University of Sheffield Calendar.

If you need any advice on any of the general regulations please contact the Journalism Inbox at

Progression & Resits

Students who fail a module or modules will normally be required to submit new coursework or to sit a further exam paper in August for anything from Semester 1 or Semester 2.

Such coursework and examinations can only be submitted for a pass mark (i.e. a maximum of 40, applied to the module as a whole). If a student obtains a lower fail mark at the second attempt, the higher mark will stand.

If you are concerned about failures please talk to your Personal Tutor. The regulations concerning failures, resits and progress can be found on the The University of Sheffield Calendar.

Degree Classification

The Department will formally confirm the grades you have been awarded at the end of each semester, in a meeting called an examination board. For more information on exam boards can be found here

For full details about the way your degree is classified, please watch this video or read the video transcript on the University website.


Graduation takes place in July each year for students completing BA courses. You will be invited to graduation based on your student record, so please make sure all details are up to date.

The School of Journalism, Media and Communication organises various events around graduation for our final-year students. Please make sure you check your student email regularly.

More information about graduation ceremonies can be found on the university website here. The graduation team can also be contacted via email on

Please follow the link above for more information on how to ask for a reconsideration of one of your module grades, the result of an examination, or your degree classification.