Undergraduate (UG)

All information about the NCTJ can be found on the NCTJ Blackboard site which all BA Journalism students have access to. There you'll find:

If you do not have access to this site, please get in touch via as soon as possible. 

Important information 

BA Journalism Studies students are entitled to one free attempt of each NCTJ exam, where the department will cover the cost. Failure to sit an exam without an approved NCTJ deferral will be classed as a first attempt and any resit fees will covered by the student, should they chose to sit.

We have done our best to ensure exams do not clash with teaching but this is not always possible. Teaching must be prioritised. If you notice a clash, please contact us as soon as possible.

Important updates on NCTJ exams will be communicated to you via your university email. It is imperative that you regularly check your university email account. If you miss deadlines, we are unlikely to be able to offer any flexibility as these dates are set externally by the NCTJ. 

Dates & Deadlines

NCTJ Dates & Deadlines 2023_24.docx


If you are unable to sit an exam that you have been registered for due to extenuating circumstances, please complete the NCTJ Deferral form 2023/24 no later than 9am on the day of the exam. Please provide a detailed explanation of the circumstances that prevented you from sitting your exam. Failure to do so may result in your deferral request being denied. 

For circumstances relating to person illness, you will need to provide evidence of your circumstances, i.e. doctors note. 

Link to NCTJ Deferral form 2023/24:

Please note that deferrals subject to NCTJ approval and not that of the department. If your deferral request is not approved, you will be liable for the cost of any resits. 


Should you wish to resit an NCTJ exam, you will be required to pay the resit fee via the Online Store link shared before each exam. Students who fail to make payment on time will not be entered into an NCTJ exam or assessment.  A list of accredited fees can be found below:


If you no longer wish to partake in NCTJ exam during your degree programme, it is possible to Opt-Out of all NCTJ exams and assessments. Please get in touch via for more information. 

Please note: It is not possible to be re-entered into the NCTJ diploma at a later point as part of your degree programme. 

Should you fail to opt-out of the NCTJ diploma before a given deadline, you will be responsible for the cost of the assessment, should you choose not to sit. Please see dates and deadline information above for registration and opt-out deadline information and ensure you read all NCTJ emails sent by the department carefully for more detailed information.

Should you wish to continue with the NCTJ after completing your degree programme, you can do so by registering with the NCTJ directly as an independent candidate. For more information on this please email the NCTJ directly on 

Student FAQs

NCTJ Exam In Centre Candidates FAQs 2023_24.pdf