Attendance & absence

The University is here to support you. It’s not just your education that is our priority; it’s your welfare too. We’re aware that everyone has a life outside of study and that sometimes there are circumstances that can affect your university work. This is why we have provisions in place to help you through difficulties. If you’re undergoing difficulties that affect your attendance, ability to work, exams, or coursework, you should inform us at the earliest opportunity. 

If you would like to speak to someone in the department about absences or illness please contact

Attendance Guidelines

Attendance at your timetabled teaching sessions forms part of the commitment you make when you register with the University of Sheffield. We monitor attendance on all of our modules and will be in touch with you if you’re absent without letting us know why. Please do everything you can to communicate with staff in the department if you need to be absent from teaching sessions.

Attendance is compulsory at all timetabled teaching sessions. Attendance is monitored closely in order to ensure that students who are struggling receive the appropriate support.

Students are expected to be available between 8am and 6pm on Monday to Friday during the semester. You are also expected to be available during the examination periods (the last three weeks of each semester). Please do not book holidays or work placements during the semester or during the examination period. You can view the dates of both semesters here

We cannot adjust examinations or deadlines for anything other than medical reasons or emergencies.

During your studies you may experience difficulties which could affect your academic performance. Such difficulties are known as ‘extenuating circumstances’ and may include medical problems, including long-term conditions or short periods of illness, personal problems or difficult events e.g. bereavement, and serious incidents e.g. being affected by crime.

How do I use the digital check-in tool?

The digital check-in tool can be accessed via iSheffield either though the mobile app or MUSE on your web browser. For more information on the digital check-in tool, follow the link here.

What reasons are acceptable for absence?

There are two types of absence: authorised and unauthorised. 

Acceptable reasons for absence to be authorised include:

Unacceptable reasons for being absent include:

What should you do if you're going to be absent for up to seven calendar days days (1 week)?

If you are absent without authorisation, you will be asked to account for your absences. 

What should you do if you're going to be absent for a period of more than seven calendar days (1 week)?

If you are absent without authorisation, you will be asked to account for your absences. 

What happens if you're absent without informing the department?

If you do not respond to any communications received from the department about your attendance and engagement when asked to do so, the department reserves the right to refer you for a progress review under the relevant University process.