Exam Boards

The Department will formally confirm the grades you have been awarded at the end of each semester. Three meetings take place to discuss individual student cases and to confirm all grades. These meetings form what are referred to as examination boards. At the end of the academic year, in June, the examiners (academic staff within the Department and the external examiner for your course) meet to confirm all grades and provisional classifications for final year students. These are then later confirmed by Faculty and Senate before your degree is formally awarded. 

All grades and feedback that you receive on Blackboard are provisional, which means that they may change until they have been formally confirmed. We do not re-grade work on students' request. 

The three boards that take place at the end of each semester are:

Extenuating circumstances board

At this board, all extenuating circumstances forms and supporting evidence that have been submitted for the semester will be discussed and considered.

pre-examination board

Information required

examination board

Information required