Jodie Bradley

Speakup Self Advocacy

What am I good at?

I'm good at speaking in conferences and delivering presentations. I can do computer work like word documents, PowerPoint etc.

I support people with daily things like for example, talking to people who are lonely or isolated. I've also trained people about Learning Disability and Autism Awareness. I also speak my mind if I don't agree with something. 

I come up with ideas and opinions for different projects and research. I'm a good communicator and I encourage people to take part in things. I can also express myself in front of other people and I'm a good listener.

How am I helping with the project?

I have lived experience in supporting people. I have areas of expertise in different research projects. I have experience in learning disability and autism as I have them both myself.

What is important to me?

The things that are important to me is supporting people have a voice, have the same rights as everyone else and to live independently. My family and friends as they help me if I feel down. 

People at Speakup are important to me as they have shown me new skills and they have helped me build my confidence up to speak at meetings and conferences. I would say being caring is important to me as people would care about me.