
A screencast is a video recording of your screen, usually consisting of a voiceover. They can be used to help explain an idea or for demonstrations.

This page explore some different ways you can record screencasts and some tips when it comes to creating your own.

What are my options?

Enables you to record audio, your webcam and/or your screen, and upload these directly to Kaltura.

Camtasia is an advanced programme that can be used to create screencast and simple animations.

(Only available in Creative Media booths & edit suites in The Diamond)

Learn how to record your PowerPoint, using Microsoft PowerPoint. Also how to create Screen Recordings in Microsoft Powerpoint

Tips on creating screencasts

plan it

Work out what you want to record, if you are recording a lot think about trying to break it down so you avoid mistakes.

Break it down

Most peoples attentions spans only last around 5 minutes. Think about creating a playlist of videos rather than having one long one.


Add arrows and text to your video so the viewer can see what you are talking about. 

Slow Readers Club

If you're giving instructions or explaining lots of stuff with text for people to follow. Leave it on screen for longer than you think. Remember people need time to read & process it.

Other options

There are many online versions of screencasting software, check what you can and can't do with them before you start using them.