Filming on a mobile

Using your mobile phone or tablet to record a video is perfectly acceptable, on some phones the camera quality is probably better than that on some of our basic equipment HOWEVER it is really important you film it "correctly" to make sure it is useable for your project so here is a list of Top Tips to follow. 

Creating videos on a mobile device

Filming on a mobile device - 10 simple things to follow!


Audio is so important! If you can't use an external microphone make sure you are in a quiet location and don't cover the microphone!

Plan it

Make a list of what you want to include in your Vlog and run through it a couple of times before you record it.


Use a tripod, it could even just be a mini one you setup on a table on top of a pile of books.

camera orientation

Film your videos in landscape! You can always crop it down later if you need to. 

Camera Movement

Limit how much you move your phone, it will become very shaky once you start to move it.

Make sure you can be seen

If you’re vlogging, it’s all about you! Make sure people can see you. Check that the lighting is right, your face isn’t hidden by hair or behind the shadow.

Make Eye contact

Looking straight ahead at the camera makes it looks as though you are speaking directly to your viewer. This will create a more positive impression.

Be aware of your backgrounD

Make sure you’re in front of a suitable backdrop. Take down any inappropriate posters. You don’t want to be standing in front of something distracting.

Be Creative

Research popular Vlogs online, what makes them interesting? What makes people watch them? Don’t be boring be creative!!!

Enjoy it!

If you’re having fun and smiling, it’ll shine through in your video and win audiences over straight away. Don’t be afraid to be creative!