Entrance Examination

               The applicant (new student) presents the available requirements to the Admission and Guidance Services Office (AGSO) to schedule the entrance examination; for the transferee, a copy of the Transcript of Records must be brought to the Registrar’s Office for evaluation and crediting of grades and will endorse to AGSO for the entrance examination.

Guidelines and Conditions

1. Senior High School candidates for graduation in the current school year and transferees are qualified to apply directly for the College entrance examinations.

2. A clearance from the Registrar‘s Office is necessary for the following  applicants:

a. Alternative Learning System Accreditation and Equivalency Passer 

b. Candidate for graduation from a foreign school.

    3. Administration of the entrance examination shall be conducted according to the                      admission guidelines of the different colleges.

4. Applicants are accepted the whole year round.

    5. Incoming freshmen and transferees are required to take the entrance examination.

6. Entrance Examination is valid for a period of one year only.

7. Applicants who failed to qualify for the first-course preference may qualify for other courses provided that their examination scores meet the cut-off scores for the course of their choice.