Technology Use Questions

1. Can the school see where I have been on my Chromebook including my Google chats?

    • Yes. We have detailed reports of this information.

2. I noticed my Chromebook is rattling or is running slow. What should I do?

    • See Mr. Guistwite in the upper house D400 lobby "Tech Tank" as soon as you can. He will repair your Chromebook and give you a loaner if needed.

3. Personal Electronic guidelines?

    • Times when personal electronics may be used: before and after school, in between classes, and at lunch

    • Times when personal electronics may not be used: classrooms, restrooms, and locker rooms.

      • Students must put their phone in their back pack when they enter the classroom. Phone must stay there for the duration of the class.

    • You may not make phone calls in the hall on your cellphone. If you need to make a call go to the office.

4. Can I listen to music?

    • Yes. In class your ability to listen to music is dependent on the policy of the teacher.

    • In the hallway you must leave one ear uncovered so you are able to listen to directions from the office.