Student Discipline Questions

1. What is the difference between a teacher assigned detention and a misconduct report?

    • A teacher assigned detention is given by the teacher. The time and place of the detention must be arranged with the teacher.

    • A misconduct report can be filed by a teacher or other school officials. Misconduct reports go directly to your principal. Depending on the severity of the offense you will be called down to the office shortly after the offense. The principal will determine discipline.

2. How do units of detention work?

    • The most common consequences are units of detention. The amount of units a student gets as a consequence varies based on the severity of the action or if the action is a recurring event

    • Assigned detentions are served after school in the lower house cafe.

    • 1 unit of detention = 30 minutes of detention.

3. What happens if I cut a detention?

    • If you cut a detention, the detention will automatically double.

    • If you have a complication and cannot attend a scheduled detention you need to contact the office several days in advance to reschedule. You may not reschedule the day of your detention.

4. What is the difference between In-School Suspension (ISS) and Out of School Suspension (OSS)?

    • There is no difference between ISS and OSS based on the offense.

    • Administration will determine if ISS or OSS will be given. A deciding factor is if the student can be in the building based on the infraction.

    • If you have ISS or OSS you are not allowed to attend Wilson events or be on Wilson property during the suspension period. If you have ISS, you must leave school property at the end of the day.

6. What is an alternative educational placement?

    • In some cases repeated behaviors or serious offenses require a different environment for the student.

    • In cases like these you could be recommended to an alternative school for a period of time before coming back to Wilson.

    • These placements are generally smaller and more controlled, but you are still getting educated.

7. Can I be searched?

    • Yes. If a principal has a reasonable suspicion that you are in possession of something illegal you can be searched.

    • If you refuse to comply with a search you can be suspended or possibly expelled.

    • You will also be held by the school until a parent or guardian can pick you up.