Attendance Questions

1. No matter how hard I try I cannot get to class on time, what can I do?

    • The first thing you must do is determine if you can change anything in your route.

        • A. Am I spending time talking to my friends?

        • B. What route am I taking? Will I save time going outside?

        • C. Am I stopping at my locker?

    • If you've answered "No" to those questions have a conversation with your teacher about your situation.

    • Please note that travel between most locations in the building can be done in 5 minutes.

2. What will happen if I am routinely late to class?

    • When you are late to class the teacher will document your lateness in our attendance system.

    • Teachers' policies may vary, but usually a warning is given for each late. After the third warning, you may be given a teacher assigned detention. If you continue to arrive at class late after several teacher assigned detentions you will see a principal for misconduct.

3. What is absolute homeroom/1st period?

    • Every student must be in homeroom/1st period by the late bell at 7:55 AM, no exceptions. You will be sent to the office if you are not in your homeroom/1st period by the bell.

    • If you drop your stuff off in homeroom and then go to the bathroom and the bell rings, you are late.

4. What happens if I am late to school?

    • A student who is late to school four or more times or arrives after 8:30 AM will receive a consequence.

    • If you arrive after 7:45 AM you will have a consequence.

    • If you arrive after 9:30 AM you are marked absent for a half day.

5. What are unexcused absences and how do they impact me?

    • An unexcused absence occurs when proper documentation is not received in the office for a student absence. An example would be that you never brought in a note from when you were sick.

    • This concerns you especially because you are under 17 years of age and are required to be here by law. Four unexcused absences are considered truant by the state of Pennsylvania. This means that you or a parent or guardian can be fined if you accumulate four unexcused absences.

    • To avoid this, make sure you always have notes for when you are absent. Also, the notes need to be turned in to the office in a timely manner - with three days of absence.