Academic Questions

1. What should I do if I am failing or struggling in a class?

    • The first course of action is to speak with your teacher to determine why you are struggling.

    • Develop a plan of action to turn your achievement around.

      • Go to the tutoring center after school in the upper house library.

      • See if you are able to retake a test or quiz.

      • Ask your teacher how to study for the class.

      • Ask your teacher for additional resources to assist you.

2. How does the tutoring center work?

    • Tutoring Center - Everyday after school until 3:15. Look for tutoring locations in the Lower House Office

3. Why should I do homework if it is not getting graded?

    • Homework is seen as practice. Practice should be done in order to prepare yourself to perform, in this case on an assessment.

4. How can I retake a test?

    • A student may retake any summative assessment, except certain AP tests, large projects, extended research papers, summer summative assessments, and midterms and finals.

    • If you choose to retake, you will need all your homework complete and may have to attend a tutoring session with your teacher.

    • See retake policy specifics in the Student Handbook