Harry Potter Day

Magic has taken over the Resource Center!

Harry Potter Day - Friday, October 28th, 2022

Not Slytherin, eh?...Are you sure? You could be great, you know, it's all here in your head, and Slytherin will help you on the way to greatness, no doubt about that no? Well, if you're sure...better by... GRYFFINDOR! 

After passing through platform 9 & 3/4,  Professor Mcgonagall sorted students into their magical houses (as seen in the photos to the right). From Hufflepuff to Ravenclaw and Slytherin to Gryffindor, our students were then ready to dawn their wands and begin playing fun wizard games!

The first game available was 'Pin the Glasses on the Wizard!' The first student to get a fun pair of glasses closest to the middle of Harry's face would be the winner! 

The second game we had available to all witches, wizards and muggles alike was our Marauders Map search and find! Hidden all throughout the center were 10 popular creatures, characters and more from the Harry Potter universe. The first to find all 10 hidden objects would win a fantastic prize! 

Following the games, popcorn and Polyjuice Potions, the grand hall dimmed the lights as the film Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone was shown. 

Thank you to all who attended! You made this journey to Hogwarts truly magical. 

All Aboard the Hogwarts Express!

On the left, you will be able to see how magical the center appeared on October 28th, 2022! From the brick wall of Platform 9 & 3/4 to the Grand Hall of Hogwarts, the center was truly transported to the wizarding world. 

Our Library Team

This event would not be possible without our incredible Library Services team

Professor Mcgonagall (Annette Tompkins), 3 rebellious Hufflepuff students (Laney Eaton, Christopher Herrmann and Bella Payne), and Harry Potter (Eric King) transformed the Clarksville Resource Center into Hogwarts!

Join us next year!

Be sure to join us next October as we will revisit the magical world of Harry Potter once more!

Hogwarts will return in 2023.