9th Grade

Complete all four sections in 9th grade and keep a record of your results.

Teacher teaching  students in a classroom

Areas to be covered in 9th Grade

  • Self-Determination Assessment.
  • Understanding the Growth Mindset.
  • Developing Study Habits.
  • Developing Maturity.
Three students working together in a classroom

9.1 Self Determination

Format: PDF file

Description: This one-page assessment contains a series of open-ended and check-box style questions related to self-determination.

Instructions: Open the PDF File : Once completed, the PDF file should be added to your student file.

DP 9.1 Assessment - Self Determination.pdf

9.2 Growth Mindset

Format: PDF file & YouTube Video

Description: This one-page worksheet references a "Growth Mindset" YouTube video and has one open-ended follow up question.

Instructions: Open the PDF File : First watch the YouTube video and then answer the questions. Once completed, the PDF file should be added to your students file.

DP 9.2 Goals - Growth Mindset.pdf

9.3 Study Habits

Format: PDF file

Description: This nine-page survey contains a series of check-box style questions related to study habits. At the end there is one open-ended question.

Instructions: Open the PDF File : Once completed, the PDF file should be added to your students file.

DP 9.3 Skills - Study Habits .pdf

9.4 Maturity Survey

Format: PDF file

Description: This two-page survey contains a series of rating-scale questions related to maturity characteristics. At the end there is one open-ended question.

Instructions: Open the PDF File : Once completed, the PDF file should be added to the your students file.

DP 9.4 Self Determination - Maturity Survey.pdf