Parent and Student Resources

  1. A Family Guide to Transition
  2. College and Career Readiness
  3. Transition from School to Adult Life - Time Lines
Family Guide to Transition Serv in MA english.pdf
Transition From School to Adult Life Time Line .pdf

  1. Guardianship and Conservatorship of Incapacitated Persons
  2. MA Guardianship Association
  3. MA Law about Guardianship and Conservatorship

9. Naviance - College and Career Readiness

11. Support Services

  1. Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission (MRC)
  2. MRC Eligibility Flow Chart
  3. Department of Developmental Service (DDS)
  4. The Supports Intensity Scale (SIS)
  5. Department of Mental Health (DMH)
  6. Moving to Young Adult - Legal Guide to Parent with youth with mental health needs.
  7. Center for Living and Working
  8. The Arc of Massachusetts
  9. Alternatives
  10. Seven Hills Foundation
  11. Center of Hope Southbridge.
MRC TransitionAged Youth Flow Chart Full Color 2014.pdf
SIS Flyer.pdf
Legal Guide of Parents of Youth with mental health .pdf