8th Grade Science

8th Grade Integrated Science

SDUHSD has selected the California Preferred Integrated Model for Middle School. 7th Grade formally implemented the integrated model in 2018-2019, and 8th grade in 2019-2020.

Course Descriptions

8th Grade Science Course # 4012

8th Grade Science is a year-long, inquiry-oriented and integrated science course for 8th graders. This course builds on the ideas of stability and change introduced at the end of grade seven with the guiding concept that the processes that change Earth’s systems at different spatial scales today also caused changes in the past. Students will develop conceptual understanding and skills related to the following topics: forces and motion, gravity, electricity, magnetism, waves, solar system, eclipses, evolution, fossil record, biodiversity, and engineering as outlined for 8th grade by the California Next Generation Science Standards.

Sheltered 8th Grade Science Course # 4014

Sheltered 8th Grade Science is designed for second language learners and follows the course description for 8th Grade Science. While the content of the course is the same as 8th grade science, teachers use specially designed instruction in English strategies to make course content accessible to English learner students.

Instructional Materials

In the Spring of 2020, SDUHSD adopted Lab Aids SEPUP as their primary instructional materials for 7th and 8th grade integrated science. Click here for more detailed information regarding the online Lab Aids portal.

Scope and Sequence

For the first year of its implementation (2020-2021), SDUHSD 7th and 8th grade science teachers will follow the Lab Aids SEPUP sequence. Sequence options for future school years will be discussed during Spring 2021, and may involve a return to previously developed Scope and Sequences.

Lab Aids Online Portal

Teachers can access the Lab Aids online portal here. Note that SDUHSD is working to establish a Single-Sign On (SSO) for teachers and students . Until that process is finalized, teachers should follow the instructions from a 7-31-20 email from Amanda Harclerode at Lab Aids:

We are working to switch rostering methods for your district to integrate with Aeries. During this transition, your school email addresses need to be available to be rostered through integration. So, starting now, you have new temporary usernames to use for logging in to view your existing accounts. Everything is the same as before except for your username – so, your passwords are the same as before, and the content in your portal is the same as before. This change is just during the transition. Once your district’s account has finished transitioning, you’ll receive further instructions as to how to log in.

  • Your new temporary usernames will have a prefix of “temp-“ followed by your original username.

  • For example, if your previous username was teacher@sduhsd.net, you will now log in with temp-teacher@sduhsd.net.

  • Teachers will be contacted by email with instructions for logging in once the Single-Sign On integration is completed.

Lab Aids Support

Please contact the following individuals for assistance with Lab Aids:

  • General Questions: Betty Buehler, Curriculum Specialist, 702-739-4491, bbuehler@lab-aids.com

  • Technology Questions: Amanda Harclerode, Tech Implementation Specialist, 970.439.4938, amanda@lab-aids.com

Middle School Lab-Aids Shared Resources

Below you will find resources to support implementation of the Lab Aids Instructional materials for 7th and 8th grades, formally adopted by SDUHSD. Please add resources to these folders, and adjust sharing settings so they are viewable by colleagues.

8th Grade Integrated Science Standards

Below are the Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs) and Performance Expectations (PEs) assigned to 8th Grade Integrated Science by the California Science Framework. To open full screen in a new window, click on the box with the arrow that appears when you hover over the top right.

8th DCIs & PEs

NGSS Performance Expectation Standards Assigned to Grades 6-12

NGSS PEs Assigned to 6-12th Grades SDUHSD

Distance Learning Outcomes

The following Distance learning Outcomes were developed by chairs of the Learning Objectives committees (for high school) and teacher leaders (for middle school) to support Distance Learning for the 2020-2021 school year as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Content Specific Resources


Lesson Plans


Lesson Plan

Electricity and Magnetism

Content Support

Matter and Change

Lesson Plans/Activities

Physics Resources