6th Grade Science

6th Grade Integrated Science

Below are the resources compiled by colleagues around our district and elementary districts that feed into SDUHSD to support 6th Grade Integrated Science. SDUHSD has decided on the California Preferred Integrated Model for Middle School. 7th Grade formally implemented the integrated model in 2018-2019, and 8th grade in 2019-2020.

Looking to Find or Share a 6-8th Grade NGSS Resource?

Click above to access the shared resources database.

Read the instructions on the main page before searching.

Click the link above to share a resource.

Once you complete the form, your entry will be available in the database (see link on left).

NGSS Performance Expectation Standards Assigned to Grades 6-12

NGSS PEs Assigned to 7-12th Grades SDUHSD

Professional Development

Below are the slide decks from NGSS Collaboration PD between SDUHSD and its elementary feeder districts.


September 2018 Science PD Slide Deck


Elementary 6th Grade Science Collaboration October 2017 PD
Elementary 6th Grade Collaboration Spring 2018 PD

NGSS Assessment Resources

Science and Engineering Practices

Crosscutting Concepts