Common Questions / Errors

Common Questions

Q: My Student was marked absent during Period 7 but they don't have one.

A: Period 7 is Homeroom. It takes place on Thursdays right after Period 2 and before lunch.

Q: My Student was marked absent but they were in class.

A: Students must clear it with the teacher directly. The absence can only be cleared by the teacher. [SEE ATTENDANCE ERROR]

Q: My Student had an Early Dismissal for sports and the teacher marked them Absent.

A: The Athletics Office provides us with the Early Dismissal times. Your student must be in class until the early dismissal time, even if it is only a few minutes into the class period. [SEE ATHLETICS ATTENDANCE]

Please check the early dismissal time and ensure that the student has stayed in class until that time. Students who do not go to class because the dismissal time is only a few minutes after the bell rings are considered Absent.

If your student went to class until the designated dismissal time but was still marked absent please have them clear it with the teacher. [SEE ATTENDANCE ERROR]

Q: We are going on Vacation/Trip and my child will miss ## days.

A: These absences are considered Personal per the California Ed. Code. Please check the class syllabus to ensure that your student knows the protocol for personal absences. It is at the teachers discretion to allow make up work. [SEE MAKE UP WORK POLICY]

Q: My student is going on a College Visit.

A: Please visit the College Visit page to find out whether the absence will be excused or not. [College Visits]

Q. We are going on an extended vacation.

A: When school officials are informed that a student will be out for more than 10 consecutive school days as unexcused absences, the student may be dis-enrolled until he/she returns to school. Upon returning to school from an extended unexcused absence, the student will be re-enrolled. Students will not be provided with coursework prior to or during the extended unexcused absence. Upon the student’s return to school from the unexcused absence, each teacher will determine what assignments and/or tests the student must complete to demonstrate mastery of the content covered during the student’s extended unexcused absence in order to earn a grade/credits.

Common Errors

Common Email sent to Attendance:

  • My son needs to leave early today for a doctor appointment. Please provide him a pass.

This email did not include the student's name or the time that the student needed to be dismissed.

Common Email sent to Attendance

  • My student, Rupert Raven has an appointment at 1:00, please let him leave early today.

This email only included the time of the appointment, not the time to be dismissed.

Common Email sent to Attendance

  • My student, Rupert Raven has an orthodontist appointment tomorrow and will be late.

This email did not include the date or day of the week that the student will be late. The senders tomorrow may not be the same tomorrow as when the email is read. Please include the day of the week or the date so the student's attendance is accuratly updated.