All Day Absence

Regular attendance and class participation are an integral part of our students' learning experience; together, they determine student success. The San Dieguito Union High School District (SDUHSD) is committed to cultivating exemplary attendance habits.

How to Contact Attendance to Excuse an All Day Absence

Email -

Voicemail - 858.350.0253 x 4055

Fax - 858.350.0280

Email Format for All Day Absences

Email Subject - All Day Absence

Please include ONLY the following information in the email message body:

  • Student First and Last Name

  • Student Grade

  • Student ID (if available)

  • Date(s) of Absence

  • Reason for Absence


Students who are out all day must be excused within 48 hours. Absences not cleared within 48 hours will automatically be considered Truant.

If you call to excuse your student out ALL DAY and your student decides to come to school, their teachers will not be able to mark them present. Students MUST stop by the Attendance office to check in before going to class. Failure to do so may result in them being marked absent the entire day.

Extended Absence due to Illness

Students who are out for 5 or more consecutive days due to illness are required to provide a Medical Note to clear their absence before returning to school. Medical Offices may fax it directly to us, attention "Attendance Office".

The student absence will be changed to unexcused until the medical note is received and they may not be able to make up any missed work.