Codes of Conduct

ROMS Student Athlete Code of Conduct

Student athletes at ROMS must remember that participation in school sports is a privilege, not a right. Players have responsibilities to their team and to the school. School is a priority and therefore it is imperative that students maintain their studies. If at any time a student is falling behind, the school has the right to restrict that student from participating in school sports. If a student- athlete is not demonstrating social responsibility during the school day, their participation in school sports will also be restricted.

Royal Oak Student-Athletes shall:

Infractions of this code of conduct will be dealt with by the Coach, Athletic Director and/or administrator depending on the severity and may result in the student passing up an opportunity to participate or removal from a team.

 ROMS Coach's Agreements and    

  Code of Conduct

SD63 Extracurricular Athletics Philosophy:

The philosophy of athletics in Saanich Middle Schools is to develop and grow physical, social, and teamwork skills that promote a lifelong interest in athletics as part of a healthy lifestyle.  

Our philosophy is founded on the belief that by participating in athletics, students benefit from life lessons acquired through teamwork and personal growth, regardless of ability level.  

We aspire to offer teams that are equitable, accessible, and fun––and to develop teams that provide a nurturing learning experience for participating students. We believe that athletics foster an environment that encourages a growth mindset, while building confidence, resilience, and leadership skills. 

Our aim is to have a balanced approach to extracurricular sports––one that upholds the merits of competitive athletics, but also honours and values accessibility and inclusion in school teams. Part of this is, acknowledging and supporting the time commitment and efforts contributed by volunteer coaches, who we depend on in order to offer our athletics programs to the many students of Saanich Middle Schools.


The coach and student-athlete relationship is a privileged one. Coaches play a critical role in the personal and athletic development of their students. Therefore, coaches are expected to model the fundamentally positive aspects of school sport. Coaches are responsible for their own behaviour as well as their student-athletes and: 

Spectators Code of Conduct-- LIMSSA Website

Spectators are encouraged and welcomed to attend Secondary School Sporting activities, and as guests of the Host school, will come within the authority of the Host school. Spectators should:

a) Treat everyone with respect
- cheer in a positive manner for all competitors
- respect the decision of officials
- not interfere with the play or competition
- be courteous and respectful to other spectators, all competitors, coaches, event organizers and officials.

b) Exercise self-control at all times

- respect the rules and regulations of the facility

- refrain from the use of foul or profane language

- refrain from the use of physical force of any kind.

c) Never use social networking to criticize or threaten another school team, coach, player, game official or LVISSAA.