The Solution

The speed and haste with which many EdTech products make their way in the classroom often comes with disregarded data privacy issues. FPF believes that although the data that EdTech products procure can be used for good and that it is useful for classroom teachers and students alike, it should still be managed in such a way that threats are controlled and the end-users have a say with what happens to their data and feel like their data is taken care of safely and appropriately. Some of the projects that FPF has started aim to help the EdTech industry, and institutions and agencies (government, school boards, schools, educators, parents, and students themselves) come to a common place. Below is a list of those projects that are also found on FPF’s website (Future of Privacy Forum , n.d. a):

Student Privacy Compass

Student Privacy Compass (previously known as FERPA|Sherpa) is a website that helps all education privacy stakeholders learn the basics, keep informed about the latest news, laws, and resources, and better communicate how to ensure education privacy while allowing for the good use of data and technology in education. It includes specific resource pages for K-12 officials, higher ed officials, parents, students, industry, and policymakers.

Student Privacy Pledge

FPF and the Software and Information Industry Association created the Student Privacy Pledge in 2014. Education technology providers can sign this voluntary promise regarding the collection, maintenance, and use of student personal information; it is legally enforceable. Endorsed by President Obama in 2015, The Pledge now has more than 300 signatories and companies continue to apply to join the Pledge.

Working Groups

FPF runs two K-12 privacy working groups: one for EdTech companies, education data advocates, academics, and practitioners to discuss and learn about the latest student privacy issues; and one for district and state privacy leaders focusing on a key topic like training or data incident response.

Student Privacy Bootcamps

FPF runs student privacy bootcamps through the U.S. for small and startup EdTech companies to provide training on US privacy laws, best practices, and advocates’ concerns.

Privacy Newsletter

FPF’s newsletter provides updates on current events, state and federal legislation, and new resources for subscribers.

Tracking State and Federal Legislation

FPF tracks, analyzes, and, as needed, provides comments on state and federal student privacy legislation. FPF members have access to our state legislation tracking sheet for each legislative year.

Parent Surveys

FPF conducts a survey of parents each year about their perceptions on technology and student data use. The surveys are designed to gain a better understanding of what public school parents actually know and want concerning the use of technology and data within the educational system. FPF conducted our inaugural survey in 2015, Beyond the Fear Factor, and published our second survey, Beyond One Classroom, in 2016.