
During Week 3 of this course, FPF came to my attention through an article that I read from THE Journal, a market projection that week. Upon researching FPF further, I found that they offered products and services for student data privacy that I have discussed in other MET courses, and have been looking for in my own practice as an educator. This assignment granted me the opportunity to look deeper into this nonprofit, and to not only see what they do for data protection in the technology sector as a whole, but how they differentiate themselves from similar nonprofits by having a focus in K-12 education; this differentiation has been important in their success as a non-profit. Acting as an EVA for FPF also afforded me an authentic means to realize how nonprofits work financially, and especially how they distribute their products and services while gaining revenue through sponsorships.

In consideration of building a nonprofit organization for my own venture in assignment #3, I recognize that I need to develop attractive methods to draw support; FPF’s levels of benefits (seen on my “The Return” page) gave me ideas of how I could approach this. Moreover, in order to help achieve this I will have to figure out ways to make my venture stand out from others. Although I have yet to decide on an EdTech venture for assignment #3, this assignment was, for me, a novel approach to experience how an EVA through helps their client make sound investment decisions, or in the case of a nonprofit organization sound financial support decisions. However, what I will have to research more is how much to charge for my venture's products or services; after all, I do not see my venture taking on a juggernaut such as data privacy in technology as FPF does. Instead, my vision will be solely in EdTech. Overall, this exercise will help me focus on what is important when embarking on a successful EdTech venture of my own.