
Founder, Christopher Wolf, is currently the co-chair at FPF. Prior to Wolf’s founding of FPF, his law practice focused on the protection of privacy of personal information on the internet. Today, FPF is led by Chief Executive Officer Jules Polonetsky. Polonetsky has a deep background in data as the Chief Privacy Officer at AOL ,the web portal and online service provider, and before that at DoubleClick also a web service company. Further, Polonetsky previously served as a board member for several consumer protection organizations. FPF has a team filled with privacy law officials and education experts to lead their education privacy department. Finally, direction from chief privacy officers of more than 150 companies sit on FPF’s board, as well FPF is supported by several well-known foundations such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative and the US National Science Foundation.