The Return

As a nonprofit organization, FPF cannot provide a financial return to its donors, nor to itself. Instead, the organization can provide services that benefit your organization. One of the main returns are of a social benefit. FPF’s mission is to bring together the many parties affected by data privacy protection in the technology sector to ensure the online safety of all sides. On the other hand, by contributing to FPF through its various means of donation as explained in the “The Ask” page, you and your organization are ensuring that FPF is financially able to carry out its mission. Other services that FPF offers are in the form of benefits gained through the level of support that a company offers. Below are the levels of support and the benefits that come with them (Future of Privacy Forum, n.d. b):

Supporter Levels and Benefits

Guardian — $100,000 or more

  • In-person visits by FPF for management briefings

  • In-house masterclass training on topics of FPF expertise

  • Strategic guidance offered by FPF leaders in key public policy issues

  • All benefits listed below

Chair’s Council — $50,000

  • FPF staff available for periodic consultation on internal programs or product reviews

  • On-site briefing for internal staff and management on current privacy topics

  • Invitation to private Chair’s Council events throughout the year

  • Receive quarterly “Senior Stakeholder Update” for detailed view of FPF agenda

  • All benefits listed below

Advisory Board Member — $25,000

  • Seat on FPF Advisory Board with input to the priorities and initiatives of the organization

  • Invitation to the FPF Annual Advisory Board Meeting

  • Invitation to Regional Privacy Leaders Networks for senior-level data privacy executives

  • Receive specialty newsletter and alerts such as the Europe Newsletter

Supporter — $10,000

  • Available only to start-ups, associations, not-for-profit organizations, vendors and law firms

Activities benefiting FPF supporters include our privacy working groups (topics include Ad Tech, AI & Machine Learning, Ethical Data Sharing, Data, Mobility & Location, Health and Genetics Data, and K-12 Education) and an invitation to participate in the monthly Privacy Landscape Conference Call covering developments on Capitol Hill, in federal regulatory agencies and at the state level.