
In the case of an EdTech venture seeking to support a company like FPF, FPF has a focus on education. Data is important for teachers, administrators and students alike, and technology is one way that it can be collected and used to empower education (Schaffhauser, 2020). However, as we move forward with technology holding our data for its potential use, those using technology for education driven data have to be concerned about where this data is going, and to whom (Vance & Waughn, 2020). Therefore, a watchdog such as FPF who has a focus on EdTech privacy issues will benefit EdTech companies wishing to ensure that they are procuring and delivering data in a way that follows the regulations and the agreements of all parties: EdTech companies, government, school boards, school administration, educators, parents, and students. Although FPF works in other technology sectors (AI and machine learning, algorithms, biometrics, connected cars and mobility, de-identification, ethics, government and law enforcement, health, internet of things, location and ad practices, mobile location analytics, smart communities and youth privacy), FPF has several educationally specific methods to work with government officials and EdTech companies, as well as offer educational products to those who work for or are students in the education sector.