The Ask

FPF is a nonprofit organization that is mainly funded through corporate or foundation contributions and grants, with other revenue through consultations or registrations and sponsorships. An EdTech company would likely want to contribute through one of the two former methods: either through their corporation or their foundation. There are several levels of contributions that can be made, all with different levels of benefits that come with the chosen degree of support. Those levels and their titles are listed here, and their return through the benefits offered from various agencies of FPF are explained in detail on the “The Return” webpage of this site (Future of Privacy Forum b, n.d.):

Supporters Levels

Guardian — $100,000 or more

Chair’s Council — $50,000

Advisory Board Member — $25,000

Supporter — $10,000

Otherwise, an EdTech company interested in learning more on data privacy issues through FPF may apply and pay for consultation on an FPF privacy topic of their choice, or contribute through sponsorships and receive tax refunds for the company.