
Youth Programme Policy




To implement the fundamental principles of the World Scout Movement and to suit for the diverse development needs of youth members of different age groups in Hong Kong, Scout Association of Hong Kong has revised the “Youth Programme Policy” (“the policy”) so as to nurture our youth members holistic development through educational activities in a non-formal education setting as characterized in Scout Movement.

The Policy was adopted by the Executive Committee and comes into effect on 1 August 2022.

Policy Circular No. 02/2022

香港童軍總會 青少年活動政策

1. 目的


2. 生效日期


3. 綱領

《香港童軍總會條例》(香港法例第 1005 章)









4. 政策基礎



5. 釋 義

5.1 青少年


5.2 青少年成員

見本會《政策、組織及規條》規條 1.3.3(a)。

5.3 年齡支部

本會根據青少年的年齡及生理發展的不同階段而設有小童軍、幼童軍、童軍、深資童軍及樂行童軍五個支部。有關各支部的年齡劃分見本會《政策、組織及規條》規條 2.3.3(c)、2.3.4(e)、2.3.5(f)、2.3.6(d)及 2.3.7(d)。

5.4 青少年活動


5.5 成年成員

見本會《政策、組織及規條》規條 1.3.3(b)至 1.3.3(f)。

6. 政策內容

6.1 總 則

6.1.1 本政策的對象是本會的青少年成員、成年成員,和參與並支持童軍活動的外界持份者。

6.1.2 本會致力青少年的教育工作,採用獨特的童軍方法,激勵青少年自我學習和啟發,培訓他們成為一個有自立能力、樂於助人、有責任感及勇於承擔的良好公民。

6.1.3 在制定本政策時,已經參考了青少年參與決策政策、童軍成年成員政策、保護童軍成員免受傷害政策以及本會的其他相關政策。

6.1.4 本會將會不時檢視青少年活動政策的施行及其相關配套,以使它們與時並進。

6.2 青少年活動政策框架

6.2.1 本政策由總會青少年活動署統籌,而政策執行之責任則落在本會各成年成員 — 尤其是那些負責青少年成員及∕或推行青少年活動的總會總部、總會屬會、童軍地域、童軍區及童軍旅之成年成員。

6.2.2 本會的各層組織包括總會總部、總會屬會、童軍地域、童軍區及童軍旅均有責任按照各自的職責,盡力提供相關資源以執行本政策。

6.3 童軍運動的目的

6.3.1 童軍運動旨在透過具童軍運動特色之非正規教育方式,促進青少年身心精神的陶冶與啟發,使能成為良好公民,有助於社會。

6.3.2 童軍運動是「終生受用之學習」,是建基於童軍運動基本原則的青少年非正規教育 而青少年活動則體現該基本原則內的三大原則:「對神明、對國家,盡責任」、「對別人要幫助」及「盡己所能」。因此, 青少年活動是青少年接受終生教育的主要媒體,是童軍運動的核心要素,亦是實現童軍運動目的的載體。

6.4 青少年活動的教育目標

6.4.1 青少年活動的教育目標乃協助青少年成員在體能、智慧、情緒、社群、靈性各方面的全面發展,讓他們: 獨立自主 — 具有獨立的思維,秉持民主精神,能夠自己作出決定及選擇。 樂於助人 — 能為他人設想,能與他人共事或為他人做事,並擁有同理心。 有責任感 — 恪守承諾,能為自己的言行負責。 勇於承擔 — 能堅守自己的價值觀、原則或理想,身體力行。 具領導才能 — 有能力為所屬社群推動良好的改變。 跨文化敏銳 — 尊重他人的意見和彼此的分歧,不因他們的性別、種族、宗教、語言或文化背景而有別。

6.5 青少年活動提供的學習機會:

6.5.1 本會的青少年活動以青少年為中心,與時並進,同時富有吸引力、挑戰性和意義,並切合青少年的培育及個人成長需要。一般而言,青少年活動為青少年成員提供: 生活教育:在學校與家庭教育以外,領悟待人接物之道, 學習領導才能,體驗群體生活的意義和團隊精神。 發展潛能的機會:充實知識,學習技能,探索新事物。 挑戰自我的活動:鍛煉身體,強健體魄,增進個人智慧和才能。 與人溝通和合作的機會:透過群體活動,學習處事待人之道。 服務社會,關心社區的活動:參與社區發展,服務他人。 五育發展的活動:培養體能、智慧、情緒、社群、靈性的發展,學習自立、自信、自律及自發能力。

6.5.2 本會根據青少年的年齡、身心發展階段、需要及學習能力而設有小童軍、幼童軍、童軍、深資童軍及樂行童軍五個支部。各支部按其教育目標,提供多元化的學習機會,形式和內容與時並進,迎合青少年的興趣和需求。 小童軍支部的教育目標是「愉快的群體活動」。小童軍在家庭、學校以外及課餘時間,透過遊戲、生活學習體驗及群體活動,學識照顧自己、主動參與、對事物抱有好奇心及求知欲、發掘不同興趣、體驗群體生活及快樂健康地成長。 幼童軍支部的教育目標是「寓學習於遊戲」。從團集會活動、小組學習及訓練,幼童軍學習童軍及生活技能、鍛煉強健體魄,學懂自律及照顧自己;透過團體遊戲和群體活動,體驗團隊合作精神、關懷別人及培養責任感;並發掘不同興趣、學習新技能以發展潛能和創造力。 童軍支部的教育目標是「實踐中學習」。著重戶外活動與訓練及鍛煉領導才能;童軍團以小隊為單位,由童軍領袖及各隊長策劃團集會活動。童軍學習不同的童軍及生活技能、體驗群體活動、鍛煉強健體魄、挑戰自我,增強自信毅力、培養領導才能,並實踐所學。 深資童軍支部的教育目標是「自務自治,自立自強」。深資童軍採用自務自治方式,並透過戶外生活、自我挑戰活動及遞進式訓練,學習自學、自立及自律、鍛煉良好體魄、培養策劃、組織及領導才能、領略與人共事之道、增進人際關係技巧、實踐團隊精神及為踏入社會前做好準備。 樂行童軍支部的教育目標是「自強不息、服務社群」。在民主議事、自務自治及自我管理的模式下,樂行童軍自行策劃及推行喜愛和合適的活動及訓練,體驗團隊合作精神、挑戰自我、發展個人潛能及培養領導才能;同時透過關懷社區及參與社群服務,增強公民使命感,並回饋社會。

6.6 運用童軍方法

6.6.1 童軍方法是一個循序漸進式的自我教育、賦權及合作學習系統,能靈活地適應青少年和社會不斷變化的需求,讓青少年為自己的成長和發展負責,並為他們帶來了具有教育意義的、有趣的及令人愉快的體驗。童軍方法共有八大元素: 童軍誓詞與規律 — 童軍誓詞與規律是童軍方法的核心,是一個個人對整體共同價值觀的承諾,亦是童軍行為及目標的一切基礎。 從做中學習 — 透過個人經歷及反思以促進持續學習與發展的一套體驗式教育方法。 個人進度性訓練 — 一個循序漸進的學習歷程,著重透過多元化的學習機會、鼓勵與挑戰,以促進個人持續發展。 小隊及小組制度 — 一種賦權予青少年的工具,讓青少年協作式地學習與決策,目的是培養其團隊精神、人際關係、領導才、責任感和歸屬感。 成年人的支援 — 成年人以夥伴形式引導與支援青少年,營造更多學習機會,並將這些機會轉化為有意義的經驗。 具有象徵意義的訓練架構 — 童軍運動透過統一的主題和具有象徵意義的訓練架構來促進學習和發展童軍運動的獨特性。 大自然 — 大自然給青少年在體能、智慧、情緒、社群、靈性各方面發展提供無限的學習機會,透過戶外學習以增進對大自然的了解及與環境的關係。 社區參與 — 社區參與是對社區、國家以至全球的主動探索與承擔,培養人與人之間互相接納和欣賞的態度,並讓青少年做個積極的世界公民。

6.7 青少年活動的實施

6.7.1 按照本會的「保護童軍成員免受傷害政策」、規定和指引,於安全的環境及相關的設備和設施下進行,以保護我們的成員在參與童軍運動期間免受任何傷害。

6.7.2 由成年人領導及創造合適環境,讓青少年在童軍生活中獲得正面的學習體驗,並根據青少年的需要而進行評估、分析和設計,同時顧及潮流的發展趨勢,從而協助青少年活動的發展及實施。

6.7.3 以童軍誓詞為本,採用童軍方法,透過歡愉、有進度性、多元化及富挑戰性的活動與訓練,並運用小隊及小組的合作方式和進度性獎章制度。

6.7.4 採用多樣的學習途徑,包括:多層面的學習方式、網上學習、網上互動交流、反思性學習、體驗式學習及專題研習等。

6.7.5 於總會總部、總會屬會、童軍地域、童軍區及童軍旅各層面積極鼓勵青少年參與決策,並透過小隊、專責小組、議會(深資童軍議會、樂行童軍議會)及委員會制度等,讓青少年透過不同層面的活動、崗位和會議等參與童軍事務,並從中參與決策。

6.7.6 透過木章訓練系統及《政策、組織及規條》和相關政策的委任制度以確保有足夠合乎資格、具備相關知識和技能的領袖及其他成年成員推行青少年活動。

6.7.7 與生活教育、正規教育及內部∕外界的持份者相互配合。

7. 檢視及修訂


8. 查詢

如對本政策有任何查詢,請致電 2957 6415 與青少年活動執行幹事聯絡。

Scout Association of Hong Kong Youth Programme Policy

1. Aim

To implement the fundamental principles of the World Scout Movement and to suit for the diverse development needs of youth members of different age groups in Hong Kong, Scout Association of Hong Kong (“the Association”) formulates the “Youth Programme Policy” (“the policy”) so as to nurture our youth members holistic development through educational activities in a non-formal education setting as characterized in Scout Movement.

2. Effective Date

This policy became effective from 1 August 2022 onwards.

3. Principles

Scout Association of Hong Kong Ordinance (Chapter 1005 of the Laws of Hong Kong)

“Constitution” of the Association

“Policy, Organisation and Rules” (“POR”) of the Association

Scout Law and Promise of the Association

Aims and Methods of the Association

Vision, Mission and Values of the Association

“Adults in Scouting Policy” of the Association

“Safe from Harm Policy” of the Association

“Youth Involvement in Decision-making Policy” of the Association

4. Basis of the Policy

“World Scout Programme Policy” published by World Organisation of the Scout Movement (“WOSM”)

“World Scout Youth Involvement Policy” published by WOSM

5. Definition

5.1 Youth

Refers to all children, adolescents, and early adults who involved in and/or benefited within the Scout Movement. Scout Movement provides youth with educational activities and learning experiences with clear objectives and cares for their growth and development through different age sections and/or other structures within the organization to meet the individual needs associated with personal growth.

5.2 Youth Members

As defined in Rules 1.3.3(a) of the Association’s POR.

5.3 Age Sections

According to age ranges and different stages of physiological development, youth members are divided into five scout sections, namely Grasshopper Scout Section, Cub Scout Section, Scout Section, Venture Scout Section, and Rover Scout Section. Age ranges of respective scout sections are defined in Rules 2.3.3(c), 2.3.4(e), 2.3.5(f), 2.3.6(d), and 2.3.7(d) of the Association’s POR.

5.4 Youth Programme

The Youth Programme in Scout Movement provides useful and beneficial learning opportunities, and through personal experience under the Scout Method to achieve the purpose of Scout Movement.

5.5 Adult Members

As defined in Rules 1.3.3(b) to 1.3.3(f) of the Association’s POR.

6. The Policy

6.1 General

6.1.1 The subjects under this Policy are Youth Members, Adult Members and external stakeholders involved in supporting Scout Movement.

6.1.2 The Association endeavors to operate an education movement for the youth by using the distinct Scout Method that encourages each individual the principal agent in his or her development as a self-reliant, supportive, responsible and committed active citizen.

6.1.3 In formulating this Policy, references are made to Youth Involvement in Decision-making Policy, Adults in Scouting Policy, Safe from Harm Policy and other appropriate policies of the Association.

6.1.4 The implementation of this policy and its related support will from time to time be reviewed so as to keep them up-to-date and relevant.

6.2 Youth Progrmme Policy Framework

6.2.1 This Policy is coordinated by Programme Branch of the Association. Accountability for implementation of this Policy falls upon Adult Members, particularly those responsible for the youth and/or executing youth programme at the levels of Association Headquarters, Subsidiary, Region, District and Scout Group.

6.2.2 All institutional levels of the Association, viz, Association Headquarters, Subsidiary, Region, District and Scout Group are vested with the responsibility to strive to provide pertinent resources for implementation of this Policy, having regard to respective level and scope of their roles.

6.3 Aim of the Scout Movement

6.3.1 Scout Movement characterized by non-formal education is to encourage the physical, intellectual, social, spiritual and aesthetic development of the youth, so that they will be active citizens and take a constructive place in society.

6.3.2 Scout Movement is “learning for life” with its fundamental principle of non-formal education; whereas Youth Porgramme is to practise the three core elements of the fundamental principle of Scout Movement, viz, Duty to God, Duty to Others, and Duty to Self. Therefore, Youth Programme is the major means for youth to having lifelong education, the core elements of the Scout Movement, and the vehicle to achieve the aim of the Scout Movement.

6.4 Learning objectives of Youth Programme

6.4.1 The Youth Programme is to help the youth to have holistic development growth in physical, intellectual, emotional, social, and spiritual dimensions, so that they will be : Autonomous – able to have independent thinking, uphold the spirit of democracy, and to make their own decisions and choices. Supportive – able to show concern for others, able to act with them and for them, and to have empathy. Responsible – able to keep commitments, and to take responsibility for their actions. Committed – able to assert themselves in respect of values, a cause or an ideal, and to act accordingly. Leader – able to effect change in the surrounding community. Culturally Sensitive – able to respect others’ views irrespective of others’ gender, ethnicity, religion, language, or culture.

6.5 Learning opportunities in Youth Programme

6.5.1 The Youth Programme of the Association are youth-centered, timeliness, attractive, challenging and meaningful, and meet the needs of the youth for their nurturing and personal growth. In general, Youth Programme provides the youth with: Life education: in addition to school and family education, learn the way of getting along well with others, learn leadership, experience the meaning of group life and develop team spirit. Opportunities to develop their own potential: enrich knowledge, learn skills and explore new horizons. Exercises to challenge oneself: go through physical training, strengthen physique, enhance intelligence and capabilities. Chances to communicate and cooperate with others: learn the way of getting along with others through group activities. Activities to serve society and concern for the community: participate in community development and serve others. Activities to achieve the five education goals: enhance physical, intellectual, emotional, social, and spiritual development as well as to learn self-reliant, self-confidence, self-discipline and self-development.

6.5.2 Youth Members are divided into five age sections for Grasshopper Scouts, Cub Scouts, Scouts, Venture Scouts, and Rover Scouts, according to their age, physical and mental development stage, needs and learning ability. Each section provides a variety of learning opportunities in accordance with its educational objectives, in which format and content are kept pace with the time to cater for the interests and needs of the youth. The learning objective of Grasshopper Scout Section is “Joyful group activities”. Grasshopper Scouts, making use their spare time at home or after school and through games / life-learning experience / group activities, learn self-care and participate proactively with curiosity about things and thirst for knowledge. They start to explore different interests, experience group life and grow up happily and healthily. The learning objective of Cub Scout Section is “Learn while you play”. From Pack Meetings, group activities and training, Cub Scouts learn Scouting and living skills, train and strengthen their physiques, learn to be self-disciplined and self-care; through group games and activities, experience espirit de corps and cooperation, care others and foster sense of responsibility; and at the same time explore different interests, learn new skills to develop potential and creativity. The learning objective of Scout Section is “Learning by doing”. Scouts focus on engaging outdoor activities / training and practicing leadership skills; Scout Troop is formed by Patrols with Scout Leaders and Patrol Leaders planning and organizing activities for the troop meetings. Scouts learn Scouting and living skills, experience group life, strengthen their physique, challenges themselves, build self-confidence and perseverance, develop leadership skills, and practice what they have learnt. The learning objective of Venture Scout Section is “Self-programming, self-governing, self-reliance and self-improvement”. Venture Scouts adopt a self-programming and self-governing approach, and through outdoors lives, self-challenging activities and progressive training to learn self-learning, to be self-reliant and self- disciplined, strengthen their physique, enhance planning and organizing capabilities as well as leadership skills, learn collaboration with others, enhance interpersonal skills, practice espirit de corps and get prepared for the future. The learning objective of Rover Scout Section is “Persistent self-improvement and commitment to the community”. Under the democratic, self-programming and self-governing approach, Rover Scouts among themselves coordinate and plan favorite and suitable activities and training to experience espirit de corps and cooperation, challenge themselves, develop their potential and nurture leadership skills; furthermore, through care for the society and serve the community to enhance the sense of civic mission, and contribute to the society.

6.6 Using the Scout Method

6.6.1 Scout Method is a system of progressive self-education, empowerment and cooperative learning that flexibly meet the ever-changing need of the youth and the community, enabling youth member be self-responsible for their growth and development with educating, interesting and happy experience. The Scout Method has eight elements: The Scout Promise and Law – The Scout Promise and Law is central to the Scout Method, a personal commitment to a set of shared values and the foundation of a Scout does and a Scout wants to be. Learning by Doing – the use of real life experience and reflection to facilitate ongoing learning and development. Personal Progression – a progressive learning journey focused on motivating and challenging an individual to continually develop through a wide variety of learning opportunities. Team System – a youth empowerment tool for cooperative learning and decision making for the purpose of nurturing team spirit, interpersonal skill, leadership and sense of responsibility and belonging. Adult Support – adults facilitation and support to young people by creating learning opportunities and turning these opportunities into meaningful experience. Symbolic Framework – a unifying structure of themes and symbols to facilitate learning and the development of a unique identity of Scout Movement. Nature – the nature providing infinite learning opportunities for physical, intellectual, emotional, social, and spiritual developments; and through learning opportunities in the outdoors encouraging a better understanding of and relationship with the wild environment. Community Involvement – active exploration and commitment to communities and the wider world, fostering greater appreciation and understanding among people, and letting the youth to be a world active citizen.

6.7 Implementation of Youth Program

6.7.1 Youth program shall be carried out at safe place and facility according to Safe from Harm Policy and pertinent rules and guidelines of the Association so as to provide our Scouts a safe environment for Scout activities, and protect them from harm during their time in the Scout Movement.

6.7.2 Under adults’ support, creates the right circumstances for the youth to gain positive learning opportunities; evaluates, analyses and designs the program according to the youth’s needs, taking into account any new trends that arises so as to facilitate the development and implementation of the Youth Program.

6.7.3 Based on the Scout Promise, using of Scout Methods through joyful, progressive, diverse and challenging activities / training together with team collaboration and sectional progressive award system.

6.7.4 Use multiple learning means, including multilateral learning, networking, online interactivity and reflective and experiential learning.

6.7.5 All institutional levels of the Association viz. Association Headquarters, Subsidiary, Region, District and Scout Group shall encourage youth involvement in decision-making; using teams, task forces, councils (Venture Scout Council, Rover Scout Council) and committees, etc., to allow the youth to participate in Scout affairs through activities, posts and meetings at different levels with their engagement in decision-making.

6.7.6 Through the Wood Badge System, POR and appointment system of the Association to ensure having sufficiently qualified leaders and adults for the implementation of Youth Programme.

6.7.7 Work along life and formal education as well as closely with both internal and external stakeholders.

7. Evaluation and Revision

To cater for the changes in the society and the needs of our Youth Members, this Policy will be reviewed at least every 5 years or as required.

8. Enquiry

For enquiries, please contact Scout Executive (Programme) at 2957 6415.