


  • 小童軍支部的教育目標是「愉快的群體活動」。小童軍在家庭、學校以外及課餘時間,透過遊戲、生活學習體驗及群體活動,學識照顧自己、主動參與、對事物抱有好奇心及求知欲、發掘不同興趣、體驗群體生活及快樂健康地成長。

  • 幼童軍支部的教育目標是「寓學習於遊戲」。從團集會活動、小組學習及訓練,幼童軍學習童軍及生活技能、鍛煉強健體魄,學懂自律及照顧自己;透過團體遊戲和群體活動,體驗團隊合作精神、關懷別人及培養責任感;並發掘不同興趣、學習新技能以發展潛能和創造力。

  • 童軍支部的教育目標是「實踐中學習」。著重戶外活動與訓練及鍛煉領導才能;童軍團以小隊為單位,由童軍領袖及各隊長策劃團集會活動。童軍學習不同的童軍及生活技能、體驗群體活動、鍛煉強健體魄、挑戰自我,增強自信毅力、培養領導才能,並實踐所學。

  • 深資童軍支部的教育目標是「自務自治,自立自強」。深資童軍採用自務自治方式,並透過戶外生活、自我挑戰活動及遞進式訓練,學習自學、自立及自律、鍛煉良好體魄、培養策劃、組織及領導才能、領略與人共事之道、增進人際關係技巧、實踐團隊精神及為踏入社會前做好準備。

  • 樂行童軍支部的教育目標是「自強不息、服務社會」。在民主議事、自務自治及自我管理的模式下,樂行童軍自行策劃及推行喜愛和合適的活動及訓練,體驗團隊合作精神、挑戰自我、發展個人潛能及培養領導才能;同時透過關懷社區及參與社群服務,增強公民使命感,並回饋社會。

Learning Objectives of Different Sections

Youth Members are divided into five age sections for Grasshopper Scouts, Cub Scouts, Scouts, Venture Scouts, and Rover Scouts, according to their age, physical and mental development stage, needs and learning ability. Each section provides a variety of learning opportunities in accordance with its educational objectives, in which format and content are kept pace with the time to cater for the interests and needs of the youth.

  • The learning objective of Grasshopper Scout Section is “Joyful group activities”. Grasshopper Scouts, making use their spare time at home or after school and through games / life-learning experience / group activities, learn self-care and participate proactively with curiosity about things and thirst for knowledge. They start to explore different interests, experience group life and grow up happily and healthily.

  • The learning objective of Cub Scout Section is “Learn while you play”. From Pack Meetings, group activities and training, Cub Scouts learn Scouting and living skills, train and strengthen their physiques, learn to be self-disciplined and self-care; through group games and activities, experience espirit de corps and cooperation, care others and foster sense of responsibility; and at the same time explore different interests, learn new skills to develop potential and creativity.

  • The learning objective of Scout Section is “Learning by doing”. Scouts focus on engaging outdoor activities / training and practicing leadership skills; Scout Troop is formed by Patrols with Scout Leaders and Patrol Leaders planning and organizing activities for the troop meetings. Scouts learn Scouting and living skills, experience group life, strengthen their physique, challenges themselves, build self-confidence and perseverance, develop leadership skills, and practice what they have learnt.

  • The learning objective of Venture Scout Section is “Self-programming, self-governing, self-reliance and self-improvement”. Venture Scouts adopt a self-programming and self-governing approach, and through outdoors lives, self-challenging activities and progressive training to learn self-learning, to be self-reliant and self- disciplined, strengthen their physique, enhance planning and organizing capabilities as well as leadership skills, learn collaboration with others, enhance interpersonal skills, practice espirit de corps and get prepared for the future.

  • The learning objective of Rover Scout Section is “Persistent self-improvement and commitment to the community”. Under the democratic, self-programming and self-governing approach, Rover Scouts among themselves coordinate and plan favorite and suitable activities and training to experience espirit de corps and cooperation, challenge themselves, develop their potential and nurture leadership skills; furthermore, through care for the society and serve the community to enhance the sense of civic mission, and contribute to the society.